Categories: Mobile App

Top 10 Advantages of Using Laravel Framework

30 Nov,&nbsp2021

Laravel is one of the most popular frameworks that offer custom software development. This framework has got the highest stars on Github, which mentions that more than 56000 developers are currently using it across the globe for responsive web development. Based on Github’s report, it’s quite evident that you have ample choices if you want to hire Laravel developer for your online presence.

However, before choosing any framework, it’s essential that you know its pros and cons well. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make the best out of your project. Therefore, we are sharing the top ten advantages of using the Laravel framework for custom software development. Based on these advantages, you can create a plan that aligns with your business goals and your industry niche by discussing it with your Laravel development company

Before we explain the advantages of the Laravel framework to you, here is a snippet of the Laravel framework and its possibilities

What is Laravel and What are its Uses?

Laravel is a free and open-source PHP framework based on MVC architecture that offers effortless web and app development. Taylor Otwell founded this framework, which got released in June 2011. The latest version of the framework is 8.16.1. Laravel is suitable for developing complex and large websites.

Though Laravel is a bit complex as compared to the other PHP frameworks, it is the most suitable one when it comes to developing extremely powerful web applications. Laravel provides expressive tutorials (Laracasts), documentations and boasts a huge community to assist the developers worldwide.

Some of the vital features of the Laravel framework are Bundles, Query Builder, Reverse Routing, Eloquent ORM, Application Logic, IoC, Migrations, Class Auto Loading, Blade Templating Engine, Automatic Pagination and more. The ORM and routing allow one to develop modern applications with sheer perfection.

The Top 10 Advantages of Using Laravel Framework:

1. Fixing Security Vulnerabilities: Be it any web application, the development phase causes some sort of technical glitch that can be a real threat to security vulnerabilities. Some of the most vulnerable elements are cross-site scripting, SQL injection and site request forgery. Laravel can help you secure your web app with its fanatically guarded codebase.

2. Mail Service Integration: Today, it’s essential for businesses to send service emails to the customers after every event, be it registration or purchase. Laravel makes it better for the SwiftMailer library with its simple, clean API to perform the task. Moreover, Laravel can provide drivers for Mailgun, SMTP, SparkPost and a lot more platforms.

3. Authorization Process: For every app, authorization of the users is a common aspect, which makes the owners sure that the users are authentic people. It helps them to secure their purchase options from unauthorised buyers. Laravel’s authentication process is quite advanced and yet simple, which anyone can implement and use with ease.

4. Faster Application: Recent studies show that users prefer fast-loadable and high-responsive apps on every platform. A slow app can be the reason for the loss of revenue for any business and hence, Laravel can provide the best solution. It comes with in-memory caches such as APC and Memcached and also ensures multiple cache configurations.

5. Built with Testing: For any Laravel development company, the process of testing apps is like a cakewalk. Laravel comes with in-built testing features with PHPUnit and hence it offers speedy and error-free testing every time. There are convenient helper methods in this framework that allow expressive testing of complex large apps.

6. Configuration Error: User experience is partially dependent upon the way an app can handle errors. In many apps, users click the Submit button and then errors are identified. It helps the users to understand which steps are taken wrong and should be corrected. For Laravel, error and exception handling are two of its best features.

7. Queue Service: When an app gets more traffic, it has to handle an excessive number of message requests per second. Now, if the app is developed with an ordinary framework, there are chances of data loss or higher expense. With the unified API system of Laravel, there is no reason to worry. The process of sending messages and emails speeds up in this framework.

8. URL Routing Configuration: The users usually use URL links to see something specific such as the service page or a contact form. If the web app doesn’t have URL routing, it won’t be able to show that exact page and instead will show an error. Laravel uses app/Http/routes.php files to identify URL routes and respond quickly to users’ requests.

9. Separation of Codes: If you hire Laravel developer for your business, you will get to know about this advantage in detail. Laravel is an MVC framework, which can separate business logic code from presentation code. As a result, Html Layout Designers do not need to interact with developers while changing the UI/UX of a web page.

10. Task Scheduling: Every web app requires a task scheduling system to track and manage all its ongoing tasks. Earlier, developers had to generate Cron entries to schedule tasks each time but today, Laravel allows the developers to command schedule tasks within the framework and generate a single Cron entry in the server.

If you are planning for a full-stack Laravel app development, therefore, looking for a Laravel development company to partner with, look no further than us. We, Idiosys Technologies, are one of the most eminent web and app development companies providing a plethora of services including Laravel app development. Headquartered in Kolkata, we basically provide web development, app development and marketing solutions to a huge number of multi-national and start-up companies from India, Canada, the USA, Germany, Australia, Brazil, the UK and Panama. Our expertise and long experience in the industry has made us one of the top web development and IT companies in India. You can hire the most efficient Laravel developers’ team and Laravel framework experts from our company to boost your online presence. So, why wait anymore? Contact us today to know the best deals we can offer you.

This content was originally published here.


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