How AR brings Radical Changes in Mobile App Development

We live in a mobile-driven world. Tasks which earlier took several minutes or hours can now be fulfilled in the blink of an eye thanks to advanced app development services. The thriving mobility platform is evolved by leaps and bounds by implementing several features of emerging technologies like AR, VR, AI, IoT, and Blockchain. These technologies have made our life easier than before and brought revolutionary changes in the way we do business.

In this article, we will discuss the role of Augmented Reality in mobile-app development. But before that, let’s highlight the basic concept of Augmented Reality.

Augmented Reality is a simulation of the real world, which is made enhanced and more informative with the help of computer-generated incessant data, targeting multiple sensory systems like that of sight, hearing, olfactory (smell), haptic (grabbing), etc. The overall information can be both constructive (adding more data into the real-world) or can be destructive (masking data from the real world).

Augmented Reality finds its application in varieties of sectors like the gaming industry, military for enhanced combat facilities, commercial sectors like education, travel & tourism, organizing meetings, etc.

Let us now analyze the growing importance of Augmented Reality in mobile-app development.

One of the most widely used implementations of AR concept is the development of Facial Recognition-based mobile applications. Users can readily access such apps as their face can act as a password.

Another example is providing services based on facial recognition, like Lenskart, where the users can try any frame using the AR face recognition feature. Here, the frames are shown to the users after scanning their face. In this way, the user can decide which frame will suit them the best, without even physically visiting the store.

Using AR, the users can easily tag their friends and relatives directly from photos. Apart from this, AR-based face recognition can be used by police and other investigation agencies for tracking the accused using the smartphone application.

The global marketing giants like Amazon and Alibaba have set new standards in online shopping domain by implementing AR-based features. Using AR-based app development services, companies can educate the users about their products in details; the videos of unboxing add further information about the product. Augmented Reality enables a shopper to get the idea about how the product will appear in real-life. This is an effective move in eliminating doubts of the potential clients about any particular product/service.

Using AR, the companies can also promote their latest/upcoming launches using Object Overlay through well organized and engaging digital content.

The education sector is one of the biggest beneficiaries of AR technology. Be it learning or training, AR has made every aspect of education more interactive and interesting for students and teachers alike. AR education apps are highly effective, and students can remember such information for a long time. ZooBurst is a notable example of an AR-based education app.

Using AR based apps, the students can see a live representation of extinct animals like dinosaurs and study about them in details. Teachers can bring back the events from the past, take their students to far off historical places right from their classroom, using the AR apps.

The students can learn about the human body, using the 3D models of the human body, generated through the AR mobile apps. The use of 3D models and live examples through videos transforms the whole educational system and makes it more engaging. Students usually find it easier to learn and remember the facts, and learning becomes fun.

The gaming sector is perhaps the best example of AR integration is in the mobile app development services. AR-based mobile games use several graphics and audio effects, which allow the user to connect to the real world. Pokemon Go has set new milestones for AR games. AR surely transforms the gaming industry and took it to the next level.

Digital walkthroughs and a 360-degree view of any places are possible while informing the visitors about historical importance through AR mobile app development services. Visitors can get panoramic views of ambiance while knowing the significance of various places.

AR is also used in the development of several tracking apps. AR maps provide much more detailed information about the surroundings, which makes it more reliable and user-friendly.

AR has started gaining massive popularity among the users, and app development companies have started integrating AR-based features in enterprise mobile app development. Both Apple and Google have launched AR toolkit for mobile app developers to facilitate them to build AR apps. Further developments are done to make the AR mobile apps compatible with other smart devices and wearables, to make it more realistic and informative.

While developing AR based apps make sure you implement the use of a few prime features like:

It is fair to mention that the use of AR in the mobile app development has opened up endless opportunities, which are capable of transforming our way of living, taking a greater leap towards the technical sphere.

Semaphore Technologies can assist you to make the most of emerging technologies by integrating advanced features in the customized business app. We offer end-to-end mobile app solutions across different industry verticals. Just drop us a line at to keep the ball rolling.

About Minesh Doshi

Director – Silver Touch Technologies Ltd

Minesh Doshi is a professional with rich experience in process & quality management, software engineering, project and operations management and Human resource management. He has acquired expertise in driving quality management initiatives and in implementation of quality principles and process standards – ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000, SEI-CMM / CMMi.

This content was originally published here.

Categories: Mobile App