19 things I learnt reading the NodeJS docs

I’d like to think I know Node pretty well. I haven’t written a web site that doesn’t use it for about 3 years now. But I’ve never actually sat down and read the docs.
As long-time readers will know, I am on a journey of writing out every interface, prop, method, function, data type, etc related to web development, so that I can fill in the gaps of what I don’t know. The Node docs were my last stop, having finished HTML, DOM, the Web APIs, CSS, SVG, and EcmaScript.
This held the most unknown gems for me, so I thought I’d share them in this little listicle. I will present them in descending order of appeal. As I do with my outfits when I meet someone new.

The querystring module as a general purpose parser

Let’s say you’ve got data from some weirdo database that gives you an array of key/value pairs in the form name:Sophie;shape:fox;condition:new . Naturally you think this might be nice as a JavaScript object. So you create a blank object, then you create an array by splitting the string on ; , loop over it, for each item, split it again on : and add the first item in that array as a prop of your object setting the second as the value.
No! You use querystring

const weirdoString = `name:Sophie;shape:fox;condition:new`;
const result = querystring.parse(weirdoString, `;`, `:`);

// result:
// {
// name: `Sophie`,
// shape: `fox`,
// condition: `new`,
// };

Query String | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

V8 Inspector

Run node with --inspect , it will tell you a URL. Paste that URL into Chrome. Boom, debugging Node in the Chrome DevTools. Happy days. There’s a how-to by Paul Irish over here .
It’s still ‘experimental’, but so is my medication and I’M DOING FINE.

Debugger | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

The difference between nextTick and setImmediate

As with so many things, remembering the difference between these two is easy if you imagine they had different names.
process.nextTick() should be process.sendThisToTheStartOfTheQueue() .
setImmediate() should be called sendThisToTheEndOfTheQueue() .
(Unrelated: I always thought that in React, props should be called stuffThatShouldStayTheSameIfTheUserRefreshes and state should be called stuffThatShouldBeForgottenIfTheUserRefreshes . The fact that they’re the same length is just a bonus.)

Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

process | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Node v0.10.0 (Stable)

Server.listen takes an object

I’m a fan of passing a single ‘options’ parameter rather than five different parameters that are unnamed and must be in a particular order. As it turns out, you can do this when setting up a server to listen for requests.

port: 8080,
host: `localhost`,
.on(`request`, (req, res) => {
res.end(`Hello World!`);

This is a sneaky one, because it’s not actually listed in the docs for http.Server , you will only find it in the net.Server documentation (which http.Server inherits from).

net | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Relative paths

The path you pass to the fs module methods can be relative. It’s relative to process.cwd() . This is probably something that most people already knew, but I always thought it had to be a full path.

const fs = require(`fs`);
const path = require(`path`);

// why have I always done this...
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, `myFile.txt`), (err, data) => {
// do something

// when I could just do this?
fs.readFile(`./path/to/myFile.txt`, (err, data) => {
// do something

File System | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Path parsing

One of the many things I’ve unnecessarily fiddled with regexes for is getting filenames and extensions from paths, when all I needed to do was:

myFilePath = `/someDir/someFile.json`;
path.parse(myFilePath).base === `someFile.json`; // true
path.parse(myFilePath).name === `someFile`; // true
path.parse(myFilePath).ext === `.json`; // true

Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Logging with colors

I’m going to pretend I didn’t already know that console.dir(obj, {colors: true}) will print the object with props/values as different colors, making them much easier to read.

Console | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

You can tell setInterval() to sit in the corner

Let’s say you use setInterval() to do a database cleanup once a day. By default, Node’s event loop won’t exit while there is a setInterval() pending. If you want to let Node sleep (I have no idea what the benefits of this are) you can do this.

const dailyCleanup = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);


Careful though, if you have nothing else pending (e.g. no http server listening), Node will exit.

Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Using the signal constants

If you enjoy killing, you may have done this before:

process.kill(process.pid, `SIGTERM`);

Nothing wrong with that. If no bug involving a typo had ever existed in the history of computer programming. But since that second parameter takes a string or the equivalent int, you can use the more robust:

process.kill(process.pid, os.constants.signals.SIGTERM);

IP address validation

There’s a built in IP address validator. I have written out a regex to do exactly this more than once. Stupid David.
require(net).isIP( will return 4 .
require(net).isIP(cats) will return 0 .
Because cats aren’t an IP address.
If you haven’t noticed, I’m going through a phase of using only backticks for strings. It’s growing on me but I’m aware it looks odd so I’m mentioning it and quite frankly wondering what the point of mentioning it is and am now concerned with how I’m going to wrap up this sentence, I shou

net | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation


Have you ever hard-coded an end-of-line character?
Just for you, there is os.EOL (which is rn on Windows and n elsewhere). Switching to os.EOL will ensure your code behaves consistently across operating systems.
Edit: I didn’t give this enough thought. Andrew Meyer and Damon Gant have both pointed out in the comments that this can be troublesome. You must assume that any given file could use CRLF( rn ) or LF ( n ) and you simply don’t know.
If you have an open source project and want to enforce a certain line feed style, there is an eslint rule that can partially help with this. Doesn’t help if git then messes with it though.
There is still a use for os.EOL though. For example when writing out log files that won’t be transported to other OSes. In this case it ensures that the logs files are displayed correctly (e.g. when opened in notepad on a Windows server).

const fs = require(`fs`);

// hard-coded CRLF
fs.readFile(`./myFile.txt`, `utf8`, (err, data) => {
data.split(`rn`).forEach(line => {
// do something

// based on OS
const os = require(`os`);
fs.readFile(`./myFile.txt`, `utf8`, (err, data) => {
data.split(os.EOL).forEach(line => {
// do something

OS | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Status code lookup

There is a lookup of common HTTP status codes and their friendly names. http.STATUS_CODES is the object of which I speak, where each key is a status code, and the matching value is the human readable description.
So you can do this:

someResponse.code === 301; // true
require(`http`).STATUS_CODES[someResponse.code] === `Moved Permanently`; // true

HTTP | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Preventing unnecessary crashes

I always thought it was a bit ridiculous that the below would actually stop a server:

const jsonData = getDataFromSomeApi(); // But oh no, bad data!
const data = JSON.parse(jsonData); // Loud crashing noise.

To prevent silly things like this from ruining your day, you can put process.on(uncaughtException, console.error); right at the top of your Node app.
Of course, I’m a sane person so I use PM2 and wrap everything in try...catch if I’m being paid, but for personal projects…
Warning, this is not best practice , and in a large complex app is probably a bad idea. I’ll let you decide if you want to trust some dude’s blog post or the official docs.

process | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Just this once()

In addition to on() , there is a once() method for all EventEmitters. I’m quite sure I’m the last person on earth to learn this. So … that’s everyone then.

server.once(`request`, (req, res) => res.end(`No more from me.`));

Events | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Custom console

You can create your own console with new console.Console(standardOut, errorOut) and pass in your own output streams.
Why? I have no idea. Maybe you want to create a console that outputs to a file, or a socket, or a third thing.

Console | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

DNS lookup

A little birdy told me that Node doesn’t cache DNS lookups . So if you’re hitting a URL again and again you’re wasting valuable milliseconds. In which case you could get the domain yourself with dns.lookup() and cache it. Or here’s one someone else created earlier.

dns.lookup(`www.myApi.com`, 4, (err, address) => {

DNS | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

The fs module is a minefield of OS quirks

If, like me, your style of writing code is read-the-absolute-minimum-from-the-docs-then-fiddle-till-it-works, then you’re probably going to run into trouble with the fs module. Node does a great job of ironing out the differences between operating systems, but there’s only so much they can do, and a number of OS differences poke through the ocean of code like the jagged protrusions of a reef. A reef that has a minefield in it. You’re a boat.
Unfortunately, these differences aren’t all “Window vs The Others”, so we can’t simply invoke the “pffft, no one uses Windows” defence. (I wrote a whole big rant about the anti-Windows sentiment in web development but deleted it because it got so preachy even I was rolling my eyes at myself.)
Here is a spattering of things from the fs module that could bite you in your downstairs area:

  • The mode property of the object returned by fs.stats() will be different on Windows and other operating systems (on Windows they may not match the file mode constants such as fs.constants.S_IRWXU).
  • fs.lchmod() is only available on macOS.
  • Calling fs.symlink() with the type parameter is only supported on Windows.
  • The recursive option that can be passed to fs.watch() works on macOS and Windows only.
  • The fs.watch() callback will only receive a filename on Linux and Windows.
  • Using fs.open() on a directory with the flag a+ will work on FreeBSD and Windows, but fail on macOS and Linux.
  • A position parameter passed to fs.write() will be ignored on Linux when the file is opened in append mode (the kernel will ignore the position and append to the end of the file).

(I’m so hip I’m already calling it macOS when OS X has only been in the grave for 49 days.)

File System | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

The net module is twice as fast as http

Reading the docs, I learnt that the net module is a thing. And that it underpins the http module. Which got me thinking, if I wanted to do server-to-server communication (as it turns out, I do) should I just be using the net module?
Networking folk will find it difficult to believe that I couldn’t intuit the answer, but as a web developer that has fallen ass-first into the server world, I know HTTP and not much else. All this TCP, socket, stream malarkey is a bit like Japanese rap to me. Which is to say, I don’t really get it, but I’m intrigued.
To play and compare, I set up a couple of servers (I trust you’re listening to Japanese rap right now) and fired some requests at them. End result, http.Server handles ~3,400 requests per second, net.Server handles ~5,500 requests per second.
It’s simpler too.
This is the code, if you’re interested. If you’re not interested then I’m sorry I’m making you scroll so much.

net | Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

REPL tricks

  1. If you’re in the REPL (that is, you’ve typed node and hit enter in your terminal) you can type .load someFile.js and it will load that file in (for example you might load a file that sets a bunch of constants).
  2. You can set the environment variable NODEREPLHISTORY=”” to disable writing the repl history to a file. I also learnt (was reminded at least) that the REPL history is written to ~/.nodereplhistory, if you’d like a trip down memory lane.
  3. _ is a variable that holds the result of the last evaluated expression. Mildly handy!
  4. When the REPL starts, all modules are loaded for you. So, for example, you can just type os.arch() so see what your architecture is. You don’t need to do require(os).arch();. (Edit: OK to be precise, modules are loaded on demand.)

Node.js v7.0.0 Documentation

Thanks for reading! Enjoy your day and if I don’t see you before, have a great Christmas.

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This content was originally published here.

Categories: Mobile App