10 Most Popular Backend Frameworks for Web App Development

Web frameworks are becoming critical for developing reliable and dynamic frontend/backend web apps. It contributes to simplifying the complexity of technology by facilitating the development of essential web platforms. With so many options to choose from most popular backend frameworks, selecting the appropriate one guarantees maximum performance and scalability.

Web development is typically broken down into two categories: frontend and backend development. When it comes to creating the backend of a website, a backend developer is in charge of everything. When a user interacts with a frontend component, it is the backend component’s job to handle all of the backend processing and calculations. 

A frontend may or may not operate without a backend. Still, for a web application to be completely functional, a must link a frontend to a backend.

A client-side framework, also known as a frontend framework, facilitates the designing and development of the new UI. It has no relation to core functionality; therefore, it just evaluates browser-based activities. It is possible to create a wide range of animated features using SPAs and frontend development frameworks.


It is possible to build simple landing pages or forms using server-side or backend frameworks. While sharing data, also improves safety against cyber threats. For the framework to perform successfully, it has to focus on your project’s most important and useful elements.

Overview of Backend Framework

The collection of tools and modules used to construct a website’s architecture, known as a backend or server-side framework, is an essential part of every modern website. 

It has a huge influence on the performance of a web application and can determine the success of your project. Backend frameworks are primarily concerned with making activities more convenient and straightforward for developers.

Scripting languages like Ruby, JavaScript, and Node.js and compiled languages like Java, C#, and others all have their own frameworks. Top backend frameworks eliminate the need for developers to build and configure it all from scratch, making it easier for them to get started.

Why Use a Framework for the Backend?

In every software development process, the backend serves as the foundation. There are several tools and modules that may be used to build a website’s backend system. 

The primary goal of backend frameworks is to make development chores easier and more efficient for developers. Developers must select the fastest backend framework to ensure optimal flexibility and efficiency. 

With so many options available nowadays, it might be tough to choose the best one, but reading this blog till the end will give you better insights regarding this choice. 

Below are some of the reasons justifying the use of backend frameworks:

Top Backend Frameworks for Web App Development

When it comes to building a web app, the most popular backend frameworks are the ones that provide excellent performance, rapid development, and flexibility. Let’s take a closer look at each one!

1. Django

The was conducted to find out which backend framework is the most popular, and the results indicated that Django was the most sought-after backend framework in 2021. High-level Django was created with the idea of ‘batteries included.’

Almost everything a developer might possibly need is, therefore, already included. It’s not necessary to employ third-party extensions with Django as everything in the framework is interconnected. 

It’s ideal for large-scale, database-driven, and interactive online applications. Django is Python’s best backend framework since it is very customizable and scalable. 

It has a big user base and extensive documentation, making it an excellent choice for building online applications. Python-based websites like Pinterest, Disqus, and National Geographic have all been created using Django.

2. Express

Express is a popular Node.js backend development framework that is in great demand. As reported by the Stackoverflow Developer Survey, preferred to utilize the Expressjs web framework. 

Web applications may be built using the JavaScript framework Express, which is free and open source. It’s free and highly efficient for developing dynamic web pages and online apps. Express works well with MongoDB, a NoSQL database, and Node.js to handle all requests.

3. Spring

Spring is an MVC framework that uses Java, the most popular programming language ever. Web developers will significantly benefit from the fact that it is written in Java, an object-oriented programming language. 

A number of well-known sites use this framework, including Wix, Ticketmaster, and BillGuard. Spring has a slew of sibling projects that help it run better and allow you to grow your business faster. 

Golang framework Gin Gonic is a famous option for building high-performance APIs as it includes many useful libraries and capabilities. RESTful APIs may be easily built with this framework, which is lightweight and easy to use. In comparison to Martini, Gin has a Martini-like API; however, it performs up to 40 times faster. 

Developed in the Ruby programming language, Ruby on Rails is a server-side framework for building web applications. Like Django, it adheres to the same idea and design. 

As a result, it encourages the use of paradigms such as DRY and MVC. You can build perfect database tables using Ruby on Rails. You can also scaffold views and do migrations with Ruby on Rails.

As a Ruby on Rails developer, you’ll have access to several significant libraries that will help you build high-quality database access, product AJAX and common task libraries. If you’re only developing a small application, you’re better off using another backend framework. For a modest project, Django can help you.


Backend and frontend development may both be accomplished with PERL’s powerful framework and library features. The core technology, URL, query routing, and output are all kept separate in this model. A number of Perl frameworks and toolkits have been developed to make web programming simpler.

Perl is compatible with ReactJS and Java applications. PERL may also be utilized with CakePHP or Core PHP for convention-over-configuration patterns, which speeds up the development process.

7. Laravel

Laravel is a free and open-source PHP framework for building Symfony-based web applications using MVC design. Backend developers consider it to be one of the greatest web frameworks available. Laravel provides a wide range of options for leveraging relational databases with app management and deployment services.

Hashed and salted passwords are standard security features in Laravel apps. Additionally, it employs the Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm to generate encrypted passwords. To prevent SQL injection threats, the framework employs pre-written SQL statements.

8. Phoenix

If you’re looking for an excellent backend framework that’s developed in Elixir, look no further than Phoenix! A server-side MVC paradigm is used in conjunction with Erlang’s virtual machine. It was built using the Plug library with Cowboy Erlang to provide high-performance web pages. 

Phoenix uses its language channel capability in conjunction with the request-response functionality provided by the Cowboy server to provide proper communication, including its external clients, using WebSockets.

9. Flask

When it comes to building strong and cutting-edge web applications in Python, Flask is one of the finest options. Web servers, rather than clients’ browsers, host this WSGI framework in place of local machines. 

According to a Statista survey, of those surveyed expect Flask to be one of the most widely used web frameworks in 2021. Another study by JetBrains found that prefer to use Flask when building web-based apps.

Flask is a Python-based micro-framework for building dynamic web applications and web services from scratch. Flask supports RESTful request routing, Jinja2 scripting, and unit testing. 

In contrast to Django, it is significantly more lightweight, making it ideal for smaller applications. Flask is referred to as a microframework since it does not require any specific libraries or tools. 

Without these features, it does not have the ability to do typical tasks such as form validation and data abstraction. It is possible to add additional features and tools using Flask’s extension system.

10. CakePHP

One of the most popular PHP frameworks, CakePHP, was launched in 2005. It has evolved into a cutting-edge online platform that enables app developers to work more swiftly in just a few years. 

This makes it a good option for both large and small web applications. With no complicated setup, it provides total security. CakePHP employs a number of well-known architectural principles and software architectures, including MVC, associative data mapping, upfront controller, and dynamic record. 

The router’s multidimensional HTTP app routing allows it to route incoming requests to the relevant controller. Links and routes are linked in reverse routing so that the right and consistent resource locator is used when creating links.

There are many backend web development frameworks, each with its own set of essential abilities and competencies. Your project requirements and the skills of a web developer in your team are critical in determining which tool is ideal for your needs. Moreover, it’s essential to ensure that the framework you use is frequently updated to protect against new and prevalent threats. Read more on in 2022.

Now that you are familiar with the top backend frameworks for web application development select the one that is most suited to your web project. Make sure you choose a framework that you can manage for at minimum five more years, keeping in mind your firm’s evolution.

What are back-end development frameworks?

Back-end frameworks assist in the server-side development of web apps. Frameworks are software or tools to make web development convenient and easier. They are basically centered on Scripting languages.

Which one is the best back-end framework?

The best and most widely used back-end framework is Laravel. However, you can choose the framework as per your web development needs.

How to select the best backend framework for your project?

To choose the best framework for your project, you need to hire experts. They help you get a better understanding of what framework will be suitable for your web development project.

This content was originally published here.

Categories: Ruby on Rails