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Programming Language for Mobile App Development|how to make an mobile app

Mobile App | March 24, 2021

In this digital era, smartphones are the fastest developing digital platform, which are providing various business solutions to leverage. Mobiles are the most popular device for internet browsing, approx. 79% of the internet is used only through smartphones. This rapid growing mobile market is getting advanced through mobile applications only.

Software companies are looking into every possible app scenario to reach on every tablet, smartphone, and smartwatches. But how to make a mobile app? Which one of the many mobile app development languages is perfect in developing a cutting-edge mobile app is coming up as the biggest challenge for the companies.

Here, we have listed some of the dynamically used programming languages in mobile application development:-

1. HTML5: Latest version of HTML including audio-video-specifications

HTML5 is one of the most common languages used in programming for mobile apps. Also, an ideal option to create various data types like level browser playing field, to rationalize input parameters, and it accounts for varied resolution and screen size. 

You don’t need to create a new application for different mobile platform. Moreover, being an SEO-friendly language, it doesn’t ask for that much of maintenance that the other languages demand for, especially those mobile programming languages which support one-code base.

HTML5 can easily scale to work on every browser, device or operating system. Moreover, It is cost-effective in nature.

2.Objective-C: A Smalltalk with ‘C’ 

Objective-C is commonly used for building mobile apps and Mac OS operating system. As far as an objective oriented programming language is concerned, the code is written with a unique object which includes their own data and logic. Also, the method can be implemented through planning only.

However, this language makes it easier for mobile programmers as it requires lesser time on a long string of code. It creates “Classes” for things that identify function and attributes, and then generates other objects using classes.

Programming languages for mobile app development should be ideally quick and comprehensible. According to Apple, Objective-C is the best tool for developing an app for iPad or iPhone.

3. JAVA: A platform independent language

Mobile App Developer usually considers JAVA as the universal programming language for app development. Being the best option for the Android Platform, it is adaptable with multiple platforms as well. It is an object-oriented programming language that is generally used to provide an enterprise solution on mobile devices.

JAVA can seamlessly run with or without a browser, which welcomes a massive advantage in terms of updating the app and its flexibility to reuse the code. JAVA is cognizant to those who want to develop an app with common code that can run on multiple various platforms.

4.C++: Oops… it’s pretty quick

C++ is the best tool and programming language for those who want to develop an intuitive mobile app for Android & Windows Phone. This is an effective and highly scalable programming language which allows developing an app for every purpose or platform.

This language is the ideal choice for mobile app developers because of its low-level programming. This language can easily convert a comprehensible code to low-level machine code, which helps this to run faster than others like Python, C#, and Java.

5. C#: Purely object-oriented

This programming language plays a substantial role in Microsoft like Objective-C does in APPLE. C# has some unique features of the environment.

This language is generally preferred for Windows phone app development and it is considered as best mobile app development language for developing scalable and highly robust Windows Phone app. 

6. SWIFT: A multi-paradigm, intuitive and open source language (iOS) 

For mobile app development programming, this language has placed itself at the best of all. However, it is largely known with iOS only. But it is not required to mention or highlight the global position of iOS phones.

This language is replacing Objective-C as the primary iOS coding language because this language is capable of working with the same by leveraging cocoa and cocoa touch frameworks in iOS.

It is a developer friendly language and it uses LLVM compiler, which provides great app performance. This is generally developed to reduce the possibilities of security vulnerability. Because of that reason, developers are thinking to switch to Swift for developing an interactive app on the iOS platform.

7. Corona: Let’s create Games with it

Corona permits the developers to create an app on all platforms whether it is iOS, Android or Windows. It permits them to use Lua (a powerful and easy-to-learn scripting language), layered on top of C++/OpenGL, for developing the great graphics applications or games.

Corona also includes an emulator which provides a facility to run their programming instantly without the need to assemble the code. This service is free but if you want to upgrade some features in it, you need to pay a certain amount for that. 

8. DART: Let’s build Web, Server, Desktop, Mobile applications and many more

Flutter is an open source SDK (Software development Kit) created by Google itself. Its applications are written in Dart language (supports HOT RELOAD feature; if an application gets an update, it does not need to restart). Also, Flutter uses some of the advanced features of other languages.

It can be used in Android as well as iOS for application development and was primarily used in Google Fuchsia (A capability-based operating system recently developed by Google) to create applications in it.

Earlier, this language was not globally known to a large portion of the population, but when something is developed & adapted by the tech giant like Google itself, the matter of publicity is not a major concern. Apparently, the launch of Flutter 1.0 in December 2018 was enormously praised. It also was stated to be the very first ‘stable’ version of the framework. 

It’s the first version ‘SKY’ did run on the Android platform.

9. React Native: With human responsive User Interface

Initially, Facebook had created a framework named React.js to develop a desirable user interface to an application on the basis of usual human reactions targeting to browser applications only. Further to it, React Native was created to render a native feeling to the user by not going necessarily to the browser, and doing the same in hand through mobile applications.

React Native is easy to use, as there is no need to rewrite the complete code and you can use the tools used in application build for the browser. An API is the only thing that React Native asks for.

10. Kotlin: A JetBrains product

Kotlin basically runs on a JVM (Java Virtual machine). Google itself has declared for Kotlin to be the official language for Android development. It renders full Java compatibility and lets the user read the code easily. Also, it has become the third language fully compatible with Java, Android and C++.

Some very known applications that have used Kotlin are UBER, Pinterest, Netflix etc. 

Conclusively, These are some of the best mobile app development language that you can choose to develop your mobile app according to your need. These programming languages are best at their level. Now it totally depends on you that what type of app you want to develop and design, and what feature helps in.

This content was originally published here.