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Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 6

Mobile App | February 17, 2022

.NET 6 is now released! ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 includes everything you need to build rich modern web UI and powerful back-end services.

What’s new?

Here’s a sampling of the great new features and improvements in ASP.NET Core for .NET 6:

  • Minimal APIs: Create a new ASP.NET Core app with just a few lines of code using the latest C# features and a simplified hosting model.
  • Async streaming: Asynchronously stream data from the server without any need for buffering.
  • IAsyncDisposable: Support for IAsyncDisposable on controllers, page models, and view components.
  • Bootstrap 5.1: ASP.NET Core now comes with integrated Bootstrap 5.1 support.
  • Null-state analysis: All ASP.NET Core templates now have C# null-state analysis enabled by default.
  • Single-page apps: Built-in support for Angular 12 and React 17 based on a flexible template pattern that can be used with other popular frontend JavaScript frameworks.
  • Strongly-typed headers: Accessing HTTP headers in a strongly-typed way.

For a full list of everything that’s new in ASP.NET Core in .NET 6, check out the ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 release notes.

Get started

To get started with ASP.NET Core in .NET 6, install the .NET 6 SDK. .NET 6 is also included with Visual Studio 2022. Mac users should use the latest Visual Studio 2022 for Mac preview.

Upgrade an existing project

To upgrade an existing ASP.NET Core app from .NET 5 to .NET 6, follow the steps in Migrate from ASP.NET Core 5.0 to 6.0

To upgrade an existing ASP.NET Core app from .NET 6 RC2 to .NET 6, update all package references to 6.0.0.

That’s it! You should be all set to enjoy the benefits of .NET 6.

See also the full list of breaking changes in ASP.NET Core for .NET 6.

Join us for the .NET 6 release at .NET Conf 2021

Come celebrate with us and learn all about the .NET 6 release at .NET Conf 2021, a FREE, three day virtual developer event with over 80 sessions featuring speakers from the .NET team and the broader .NET community. The conference starts tomorrow and goes from November 9-11. We hope you can join us!

Azure Functions, Web Apps, and Static Web Apps support .NET 6

Azure App Service teams have been working around the clock to make sure .NET 6 is supported across your favorite Azure PaaS services like Web Apps and Functions, so you don’t have to wait to deploy. At the time of this post, .NET 6 is being actively deployed to the worldwide network of servers and configured to build and run .NET 6 apps.

For more information on the various Azure services and their roll-out of supporting .NET 6, which should conclude by the end of this week, see the following links:

We’re sure you’ll enjoy the immediate availability of Azure App Service to run your ASP.NET Core and Serverless .NET apps. And don’t forget to try using Azure Container Apps if you’re keen on building some background microservices using the .NET Core Worker Service template, too.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone in the community who helped make this release of .NET 6 possible! This release represents the culmination of many GitHub issues, pull requests, design feedback comments and documentation updates contributed by many members of the .NET community. We couldn’t have made it to this point without you!

We hope you enjoy this release of ASP.NET Core in .NET 6. We’re eager to hear about your experiences building with it. Let us know about your creative efforts on GitHub.

Thanks again, and happy coding!

The post Announcing ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 appeared first on .NET Blog.

This content was originally published here.