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FLUTTER APP SECURITY: Why Cybersecurity Is Uncompromising In 2024

Cyber Security, Others | April 17, 2024

A new month, a new feature on our V-TechHub, where Vinova and our tech team share insightful information on tech news and trends. This month’s topic? Flutter app security.

This April, Samsung released a critical security patch for Galaxy devices. It addressed 17 vulnerabilities in smartphones and tablets, some allowing attackers to steal information or even run malicious code without your permission. This patch also fixed a security flaw in the Samsung Pay app.

These updates highlight the importance of cybersecurity, especially for mobile apps. Our very own Flutter developer, Dylan, will delve deeper into this topic in this month’s editorial. Let’s begin!

what is flutter

So, What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit created by Google. It allows developers to build beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It’s used worldwide and is free.

Why Do We Need a Secure Mobile App?

Security is a critical aspect of mobile app development, due to the sensitive nature of the user data and interactions involved. But what does this entail?

Well, there are several reasons why we developers need to ensure mobile apps’  security: 

  • Exposed User Data: Breaches can compromise personal information, leading to identity theft and other risks.
  • Unauthorized Access: Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities to steal user credentials or manipulate data for malicious purposes.
  • Financial Losses: Insecure apps can leave users vulnerable to financial fraud, costing them money and causing significant hardship.
  • Broken Trust: Security breaches erode user trust, potentially damaging your app’s reputation and driving users away.
  • Malware Infiltration: Unsecured apps become easy targets for malware, compromising user devices and data further.
  • Data Breaches: Sensitive information leaks can have legal ramifications and damage your brand’s reputation.
  • Disrupted Transactions: Insecure payment systems can lead to failed or fraudulent transactions, causing frustration and financial losses.

What Are the Most Prevalent Security Threats Faced by Flutter Apps?

Flutter is designed with security in mind, with features to help Flutter developers quickly build secure apps. However, this does not guarantee that Flutter apps are completely safe from online security threats, which include:

  • Insecure Data Storage: Flutter apps might store sensitive data locally on the device, such as user credentials, API keys, or other confidential information. If this data is not encrypted correctly or stored securely, it could be compromised if the device is lost, stolen, or tampered with.
  • Insecure Network Communications: When Flutter apps communicate with servers or APIs over the network, attackers could eavesdrop on network traffic or perform man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Authentication and Authorization Issues: Insecure authentication methods, such as storing passwords in plain text or using weak encryption, can also put user accounts at risk of compromise.
  • Input Validation and Sanitization: Failure to properly validate and sanitize user inputs can leave Flutter apps vulnerable to attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and command injection. Malicious inputs could manipulate the app’s behavior, leading to data breaches or other security compromises.
  • Code Tampering and Reverse Engineering: Flutter app binaries can be decompiled, analyzed, and modified by attackers, potentially leading to the theft of intellectual property, sensitive algorithms, or the introduction of malicious code.
  • Insecure Third-party Libraries: Integrating third-party libraries into Flutter apps can introduce security risks if those libraries have vulnerabilities or malicious code.
  • Lack of Security Testing: Insufficient or inadequate security testing leaves Flutter apps vulnerable to exploitation.

How Do Flutter Developers Secure Our Flutter Apps?

flutter developer
  • Secure user data: Use secure storage mechanisms provided by Flutter, such as the flutter_secure_storage package, to store sensitive data like user credentials, tokens, and keys.
  • Secure Network Communications: Always use HTTPS for network requests to encrypt data transmitted between the app and backend servers.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Implement robust authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth 2.0 or JWT tokens, to verify the identity of users and prevent unauthorized access to app resources.
  • Input Validation and Sanitization: Use input validation libraries or frameworks to ensure that user inputs meet expected criteria and do not pose security risks. Some libraries suggested:  flutter_form_builder and form_builder_validators.
  • Code Obfuscation and Minification: Apply code obfuscation techniques to obscure the app’s source code and make it harder for attackers to reverse engineer or tamper. 

Use the flutter build command in release mode with the --obfuscate and --split-debug-info options to obfuscate your app. For example, use the command: 

flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=/<project-name>/<directory>
  • Third-party Libraries and Dependencies: Regularly update third-party dependencies, vet third-party libraries for security risks, and only use reputable ones.
  • Security Testing: Automate security testing tools and frameworks to detect security vulnerabilities and compliance issues early in development. An example tool is


Security is essential when developing a mobile application. It helps us secure user information, prevent hacker attacks, minimize transaction risks, build trust with users, and contribute to the success and long-term survival of the application.