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Top 10 Best Android Frameworks to Experience in 2024

Others | August 12, 2024

With over 3 billion active devices and a revenue of over $180 billion in 2023, the Android market is a goldmine for developers. To stay ahead of the curve and build exceptional apps, developers must leverage the right tools among the best Android frameworks

In this post, we’ll delve into the top Android frameworks that are dominating the development scene in 2024. Let’s explore the frameworks that can help you tap into this potential.

What is an Application Framework?

An application framework is essentially a pre-built structure for creating software applications. Think of it as a skeleton that provides the basic outline and components, allowing developers to focus on the unique features and functionalities of their app.

By leveraging pre-written code, standardized structures, and efficient tools, application frameworks significantly accelerate the development process.

Let’s explore how Android frameworks fit into this picture.

Benefits of Using Android Application Frameworks

Android’s dominance in the global smartphone market, with over 3 billion active devices, presents a massive opportunity for app developers. Let’s explore the key advantages of utilizing Android frameworks for app development.

Rapid Development: 

Android app development frameworks provide a significant boost to development speed by offering a treasure trove of pre-designed components and tools.

  • Flutter: Boasts a rich library of widgets for rapid UI development and a hot reload feature for instant visual feedback.
  • React Native: Leverages JavaScript and React for cross-platform app development, offering code reusability and a vast component ecosystem.
  • Django: Streamlines web development with built-in tools for authentication, databases, and form handling.

By utilizing these pre-built elements when searching for the best Android frameworks, developers can focus on core app functionalities, reducing time-to-market and increasing efficiency.


Frameworks are not just tools; they’re investments in your project’s success. By streamlining development and reducing costs, an Android framework can offer a significant return on investment.

  • Accelerated Time-to-Market: Pre-built components and rapid development capabilities help you launch your app faster.
  • Reduced Development Costs: By eliminating the need to build functionalities from scratch, you save on labor and resources.
  • Improved Product Quality: Frameworks often adhere to best practices, ensuring code reliability and maintainability.

Consistency and Quality: 

Frameworks are the architects of consistent and high-quality applications. By enforcing standardized structures and best practices, they ensure a unified user experience.

  • Code Reusability: Frameworks promote efficient development by providing pre-built components, reducing redundant code, and accelerating time-to-market.
  • Maintainability: Consistent code structure and design patterns enhance long-term app maintenance and updates.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Frameworks often prioritize user experience, leading to intuitive and user-friendly applications.

Reusable Components: 

Android development frameworks excel at providing pre-built components, significantly boosting development speed and ensuring consistency.

  • Accelerated Development: Reusable components like buttons, forms, and navigation elements streamline the development process, allowing developers to focus on core functionalities.
  • Consistent User Experience: By utilizing pre-designed components, frameworks maintain a unified look and feel across the application.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: Changes to a component are reflected throughout the application, simplifying updates and reducing errors.

Cross-Platform Development: 

Cross-platform Android frameworks have revolutionized app development by enabling developers to build applications that work seamlessly across multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, and often web.

  • Faster Time-to-Market: By sharing a single codebase across platforms, developers can reduce development time and costs significantly.
  • Expanded Reach: Reach a wider audience by deploying your app on both Android and iOS, maximizing potential user base.
  • Consistent User Experience: Maintain a unified look and feel across different platforms, enhancing brand identity.

Enhanced Performance: 

Frameworks are instrumental in building high-performance applications. By optimizing resource utilization and providing performance-enhancing tools, they ensure smooth user experiences.

  • Optimized Performance: Frameworks like Flutter and React Native are designed to deliver native-like performance, providing smooth animations and fast load times.
  • Performance Monitoring: Built-in tools help developers identify and address performance bottlenecks, ensuring optimal app speed.

Community Support: 

A vibrant community is an invaluable asset for any developer. Frameworks benefit immensely from active and supportive communities that offer a wealth of resources and expertise.

  • Knowledge Sharing: Benefit from a vast pool of knowledge, tutorials, and best practices shared by fellow developers.
  • Problem Solving: Find solutions to challenges quickly through community forums and support channels.
  • Stay Updated: Keep up-to-date with the latest trends, updates, and best practices through community engagement.

A strong community fosters collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning, making your development journey smoother and more rewarding.

Review of the 10 Best Android Frameworks in 2024

android app development frameworks


React Native is a popular open-source framework for building native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It offers a compelling blend of performance, developer experience, and cross-platform capabilities.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Cross-Platform Development: Write once, run on both iOS and Android, saving time and resources.
  • Large and Active Community: Benefits from a strong developer community and extensive ecosystem.
  • Hot Reloading: Accelerates development with instant code updates without requiring a full app reload.
  • Native Performance: Delivers near-native performance through efficient use of native components.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Platform-Specific Code: Some platform-specific code might be necessary while aiming for cross-platform consistency.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: Complex animations or heavy computations can impact performance.

React Native has become a preferred choice for many developers due to its ability to balance rapid development with native-like user experiences.

React Native:

React Native is a popular open-source Android framework for building native mobile apps, using JavaScript and React. It offers a compelling blend of performance, developer experience, and cross-platform capabilities.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Cross-Platform Development: Write once, and run on both iOS and Android, saving time and resources.
  • Large and Active Community: Benefits from a strong developer community and extensive ecosystem.
  • Hot Reloading: Accelerates development with instant code updates without requiring a full app reload.
  • Native Performance: Delivers near-native performance through efficient use of native components.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Platform-Specific Code: Some platform-specific code might be necessary while aiming for cross-platform consistency.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: Complex animations or heavy computations can impact performance.

React Native has become a preferred choice for many developers due to its ability to balance rapid development with native-like user experiences.


One of the best Android frameworks, Xamarin is now part of the .NET MAUI family, and offers a comprehensive approach to cross-platform development. By leveraging C# and the power of the .NET framework, Xamarin enables developers to create native Android, iOS, and Windows apps with shared code.

Key Strengths:

  • Native Performance: Delivers high-performance apps by compiling code into native binaries.
  • C# Proficiency: Leverages existing C# skills for a smoother learning curve for .NET developers.
  • Strong Community and Ecosystem: Benefits from the broader .NET community and ecosystem.


  • Larger App Size: Compared to other frameworks, Xamarin apps tend to have larger file sizes.
  • Design Limitations: While improving, Xamarin’s UI design capabilities might not match the flexibility of some native UI toolkits.

Xamarin remains a solid choice for developers seeking to build high-performance cross-platform apps, especially those with existing .NET expertise.


Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit that leverages web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) to build cross-platform mobile applications. This Android UI framework offers a balance between development speed and performance, making it a popular choice for many developers.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Cross-Platform Development: Build apps for iOS, Android, and web with a single codebase.
  • Rapid Development: Leverage web technologies for faster development cycles.
  • Large Community: Benefits from a strong community and ecosystem.
  • Cost-Effective: Often more affordable than native app development.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Performance Limitations: This Android UI framework can experience performance issues compared to native apps, especially for complex graphics or intensive tasks.
  • Dependency on WebViews: Relies on web views for rendering, which can impact user experience.

Ionic is a suitable option for projects prioritizing speed to market and cost-efficiency. However, for apps demanding high performance and complex native features, native or hybrid Android frameworks like React Native or Xamarin might be more appropriate.

Apache Cordova:

PhoneGap (now Apache Cordova) is an open-source framework for Android that allows developers to build cross-platform mobile apps using web technologies. It leverages webviews to render applications, making it a cost-effective option.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Create apps for iOS, Android, and other platforms using a single codebase.
  • Leverages Web Skills: Utilize HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for development, reducing the learning curve for web developers.
  • Large Community: Benefits from a strong community and extensive plugin ecosystem.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Performance Limitations: Can experience performance issues due to reliance on webviews, especially for complex graphics or animations.
  • User Experience: May not deliver the same native-like experience as frameworks like React Native or Flutter.
  • Plugin Dependency: Relies on plugins for accessing device features, which can introduce additional complexities.

While PhoneGap offers a straightforward approach to cross-platform development, its performance limitations might be a factor for apps demanding high-end capabilities.

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM): 

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) is a relatively new Android development framework that allows developers to share business logic between iOS and Android applications while preserving platform-specific UI. It leverages the Kotlin programming language, offering a familiar syntax for many developers.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Code Sharing: Significantly reduces development time and effort by sharing business logic between platforms.
  • Native Performance: Delivers native performance by compiling code to platform-specific binaries.
  • Kotlin Proficiency: Leverages existing Kotlin skills for a smoother learning curve.
  • Flexible Architecture: Combines the best of both worlds: shared business logic and platform-specific UI.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Immaturity: As a relatively new framework, KMM might need more community support and resources compared to more established options.
  • Steeper Learning Curve: Requires a solid understanding of Kotlin and platform-specific development concepts.

KMM represents a promising approach to cross-platform Android development framework, offering a balance between code sharing and platform-specific customization.


NativeScript offers a unique approach to cross-platform Android app framework development, allowing developers to build truly native apps using JavaScript, TypeScript, or Angular. By providing direct access to native APIs, it delivers performance and user experiences closer to native apps than hybrid frameworks like Ionic.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Native Performance: Leverages native UI components for optimal performance.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Build apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase.
  • JavaScript Proficiency: Utilizes familiar web development skills for a smoother learning curve.
  • Access to Native APIs: Directly interact with platform-specific features for rich app functionality.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Steeper Learning Curve: Requires a deeper understanding of native platform concepts compared to some hybrid frameworks.
  • Complex UI Development: Creating complex UI designs might demand more effort than with declarative Android frameworks.

Corona SDK: 

Among Android app development frameworks, Corona SDK is a popular choice for creating 2D games and apps due to its simplicity and rapid development capabilities. It leverages Lua, a lightweight scripting language, for easy game creation.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Rapid Development: Lua’s simplicity and Corona’s intuitive interface accelerate development.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Create apps for iOS, Android, and desktop platforms with a single codebase.
  • Performance Optimization: Delivers smooth performance for 2D graphics and animations.
  • Cost-Effective: Free to use for most developers.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Limited to 2D: Primarily focused on 2D game development, with limited support for 3D graphics.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: May encounter performance issues with extremely complex 2D games.

When it comes to Android app frameworks to build mobile game apps, Corona SDK is well-suited for indie game developers and those prioritizing rapid prototyping and development speed.

Sencha Touch: 

Sencha Ext JS is a JavaScript framework that builds upon the foundation of Sencha Touch, offering a broader set of tools for developing web and mobile applications. It provides a comprehensive suite of UI components, data management capabilities, and architectural features for building robust and scalable enterprise applications.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Cross-Platform Development: Build applications for web, desktop, and mobile platforms with a single codebase.
  • Rich UI Components: Offers a vast library of pre-built UI components for rapid development.
  • Data Management: Provides robust data management capabilities, including grids, trees, and charts.
  • Enterprise-Grade Features: Includes features like security, performance optimization, and internationalization.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Steeper Learning Curve: Due to its comprehensive feature set, the Android framework Sencha Ext JS might have a steeper learning curve compared to simpler frameworks.
  • Larger Project Size: Complex applications built with Sencha Ext JS can result in larger codebases.

Sencha Ext JS is well-suited for large-scale enterprise applications that require a robust and feature-rich Android framework.

Appcelerator Titanium: 

Appcelerator Titanium is a cross-platform Android development framework that enables developers to build native mobile apps using JavaScript. It provides a balance between development speed and performance, offering access to native device APIs.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Cross-Platform Development: Create apps for iOS, Android, and other platforms with a single codebase.
  • JavaScript Proficiency: Leverage existing JavaScript skills for development.
  • Access to Native APIs: Directly interact with platform-specific features for rich app functionality.
  • Strong Community: Benefits from a supportive community and ecosystem.

Challenges and Considerations:

  • Performance Limitations: Can experience performance issues compared to native frameworks, especially for complex graphics or animations.
  • Plugin Dependency: Relies on plugins for accessing some native features, which can add complexity.

Appcelerator Titanium is a suitable option for developers seeking a balance between web and native development, but it’s essential to consider performance requirements for specific projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

android frameworks

What is the best mobile app framework for Android?

While Flutter and React Native are popular choices for cross-platform Android development frameworks among the best Android frameworks, Android Studio with Kotlin or Java remains the native and often preferred option for building high-performance Android apps. It offers direct access to Android APIs, extensive tooling, and a large developer community.

What is the most popular Android API?

Among the current Android app frameworks, the Google Maps API is undoubtedly one of the most widely used Android APIs, enabling developers to integrate maps, navigation, and location-based services into their apps. Other popular APIs include the Firebase API for real-time database, authentication, and cloud messaging, and the Camera2 API for advanced camera functionalities.

How to choose the right Android platform for your business?

Selecting the right Android platform depends on your specific needs and target audience. Consider factors like:

  • App complexity: For simple apps, Android Studio might suffice. For complex apps, consider cross-platform frameworks like Flutter or React Native.
  • Target audience: Understanding your users’ devices and preferences will help determine the best platform.
  • Development resources: Evaluate your team’s skills and expertise in different frameworks.
  • Budget: Consider the costs associated with each platform and development approach.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about the best Android platform for your business.