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Full Stack Web Developer program, React & Symfony – Business College Helsinki

Ruby on Rails | November 15, 2020

Full Stack Web Developer program – React & Symfony

Your code. Your future. Apply now to the Full Stack Web Developer program!

We train new software developers who will specialize in JavaScript, React & Redux libraries and PHP, Symfony and Drupal. The developer program will be very intensive and focused which will start in January 2021 and end in May 2022.

Full Stack Web Developer program: modules from Vocational Qualification in Information and Communications Technology (you may continue on with the studies and finish the whole qualification if you wish to do so)

A person who wants to work as a software developer

Entrance exam

Interview 9.-13.11.2020

Interview 9.-13.11.2020

Software developer position as the goal

Full Stack Web Developer program is designed for adults who want to work as software developers. Studying in the program is very practical in comparison to academic studying. The studies focus 100 % on getting the core skills needed as software developer.

We only focus on the areas of software developing from the ICT Qualification in the program:

Continues after the picture

Structure of the program in 2021-2022

The first semester from January to June 2021 is in school with our teachers. Before the summer holiday there will be a student team based software development project.

The second semester from August to December 2021 is in school with our teachers. Before the end of the second semester there will be a student team based project, which will be held in collaboration with our partnering companies.

The studies will finish with an internship period which will take place during the spring semester 2022.

Course list

Spring 2021
Agile Software Development
HTML5 and CSS3
UI Design and Prototyping
Programming JavaScript
React and Redux basics
Programming PHP
Symfony Framework
Drupal basics
Data Structures
Summer project

Fall 2021
React and Redux advanced
Drupal Module Development
Unit testing and quality assurance
Continuous integrations and AWS
Software development team project (yhteistyössä Citruksen kanssa)

Main program partner

Program enrollment via interview

There is no entrance exam to the program. The most suitable candidates will be invited to an interview. Based on these interviews approximately 30 students will be accepted to the program. The most important thing is motivation so if you really want to start a career as a software developer, you have a good chance to be accepted!

Preparing for the program

Working with a computer is natural to you and you should already have some knowledge and skills about programming basics. If you haven’t started learning the basics we recommend to start immediately with free or courses. We also highly recommend quality courses from and

Selection criteria

Application: 0 – 5 selection points (motivation, competence in ICT, previous experience and career plan).

Language skills: 0 – 1 selection points (Finnish language skills (mother tongue, secondary language or YKI 4 level accredited skills) 1 selection point).

Academic background: 0 – 2 selection points in application phase, 0-1 in final selection phase (any academic degree (minimum bachelor level) 1 selection point, bachelor level in technology, science or business / any academic degree at least masters level 2 selection points). In final selection phase all academic degrees award 1 selection point.

Interview: 0 – 5 selection points

Applicants will be invited to an interview based by the sum of their application selection points, language skills selection points and academic background selection points. The interview will be held in our Campus in Pasila, Helsinki. No exemptions.

The final selection will be made based on the sum of interview selection points, language skills selection points and academic background selection points. In the case of equal selection points applicants ordering will be based on their application selection points. In case of equal selection points throughout the process random selection is used.

Working and studying

You might not be able to combine studying in the program and getting unemployment benefits.

Applicant is responsible for communicating with TE-toimisto. 

Training program is full time – you cannot combine this program with working full time or having other full time responsibilities.

More information

Concerning the application process, Student affairs office, [email protected]

Program contents, teacher Hoang Pham, [email protected]

Listen to or watch our 2019 students experiences via our Podcast:

This content was originally published here.