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AI Development Service

Developers, PMs, & CTOs, unlock the AI revolution. Flexible, high-quality solutions for any need. Machine learning, computer vision, healthcare AI – accelerate innovation, optimise costs. Explore your potential!
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of the technological revolution in Singapore. This forward-thinking city-state has strategically positioned itself as a leading hub for AI advancement.

The numbers speak for themselves: in 2022 alone, Singapore saw a staggering $1.87 billion USD invested in the AI sector, and with an expected annual growth rate exceeding 28%. The market size is projected to reach a whopping US$1.05 billion by 2024. Singapore offers the perfect launchpad for your AI journey. And so does Vinova, one of Singapore’s leading AI consulting services.

Let’s find out why Vinova is your trusted partner for artificial intelligence consulting services and more.

Why Use AI Consulting and Development Services

The incorporation of AI into business models is experiencing a global boom. Data reveals a significant increase in adoption, with 35% of companies worldwide already leveraging AI, and an astounding 50% actively integrating it. Moreover, AI adoption is projected to surge by 257% in the next two years.  

This is where AI development services become your game-changer. They equip businesses with the necessary expertise and tools to navigate the complexities of AI implementation, ensuring a smooth and successful journey towards achieving intelligent success.  

Here are 5 ways how partnering with an AI expert can empower your business:  
  • Boost Efficiency and Productivity: AI automates up to 20% of mundane tasks, freeing your team to focus on high-value strategic initiatives. This translates to a significant boost in productivity and efficiency, allowing your employees to unleash their creativity and problem-solving skills on complex challenges. AI isn't just about automation – it's about empowering your workforce for intelligent success.
  • Transform Data into Actionable Insights: AI goes beyond automation – it unlocks hidden insights in your data. Imagine the time saved: a task requiring 8 hours of manual data cleaning by a data scientist can be done in under an hour with AI. That's 7 extra hours for analysis and strategic decision-making.
  • Unlock Cost Savings: Plus, 54% of businesses report cost savings after implementing AI. By automating tasks and streamlining processes, AI delivers significant cost savings in the long run. Reduced labor costs and improved operational efficiency translate directly to a healthier bottom line.
  • Elevate Customer Experience: AI personalizes customer interactions, offering 24/7 support through chatbots and anticipating customer needs with intelligent recommendations. This fosters deeper customer satisfaction and loyalty, solidifying your brand as a leader in exceptional service.
  • Gain a Competitive Edge: In today's dynamic marketplace, speed and data-driven decision-making are paramount. By leveraging AI, you gain a significant advantage, enabling you to react swiftly to market trends and deliver innovative solutions that leave the competition behind.
 Partnering with experienced AI consulting services like Vinova is an investment in your future. These experts offer invaluable guidance, helping you navigate the complexities of AI implementation and choose the best tools and strategies to achieve your unique business goals. They'll be there to address any challenges that arise, ensuring a smooth and successful AI integration journey.

Advantages of Vinova's AI Services

Vinova isn't just another AI consulting company – we're your trusted partner in harnessing the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

While our roots lie in mobile and web development, we recognize the growing importance of AI in Singapore's tech landscape. That's why we've expanded our offerings to include a comprehensive suite of AI services designed to empower businesses to streamline operations, optimize processes, and achieve groundbreaking results.

Here's why Vinova stands out as your ideal AI software consulting service:

Needs Analysis and Consultation

Our journey begins with a deep dive into your goals and needs. Through collaborative discussions, we'll identify potential areas where AI can have a transformative impact on your business. Together, we'll chart a winning AI roadmap, defining the project scope and desired outcomes with clarity.

This collaborative approach ensures that the AI solutions we implement are perfectly tailored to your specific needs. The result? Custom AI strategies that empower your business to achieve groundbreaking results.

Custom AI Model Development

Once we've charted your AI roadmap, it's time to build the engine that drives your success. Our team of experts boasts cutting-edge machine learning and deep learning expertise. We don't offer one-size-fits-all solutions – we craft bespoke AI models specifically tailored to your unique data and business needs.

Accuracy, interpretability, and scalability are the cornerstones of our development process. We ensure your custom AI models deliver clear and actionable insights while remaining adaptable for future growth. This empowers you to unlock the hidden potential within your data and harness the power of customized AI for groundbreaking results.

Custom AI Applications Development

By partnering with Vinova, you gain access to a complete AI development lifecycle – from needs analysis and roadmap creation to custom model development and user-friendly application deployment. Vinova brings your visions into reality with custom AI apps built specifically for your industry and objectives. These applications are designed to automate tasks, enhance processes, and generate valuable insights that fuel business growth.

But user adoption is key. That's why Vinova prioritizes user-centric experiences, ensuring your AI solutions are not only powerful but also intuitive and seamless to integrate into your existing workflows. This focus on user experience drives engagement and empowers your team to fully leverage the potential of AI.

Other Services

In addition to our core AI development services, Vinova offers a range of additional solutions to empower your AI journey:
  • AI-Powered Virtual Assistants: Develop virtual assistants with natural language understanding and generation capabilities, making them more versatile and user-friendly.
  • AI Ethical Consultation: Offer consultation services to guide clients on ethical considerations and responsible use of Generative AI to address potential concerns.
  • Model Integration and Deployment: Seamless integration of your AI models into existing systems and workflows. We also develop user-friendly interfaces for accessing and interacting with AI solutions.
  • Customizable AI-Driven Content Creation: Unlock the power of AI-driven content creation with our bespoke service tailored to meet your unique needs. Our service empowers you to turn your creative visions into reality, offering a seamless blend of innovation and personalization.
Ready to embark on your AI transformation journey? Partner with Vinova and unlock a future fueled by intelligent success. We'll be there every step of the way, guiding you through the process and ensuring you achieve your unique business objectives.

Which Industries Does Vinova's AI Consulting Serve?

Singapore's leading tech company, Vinova, brings its extensive AI expertise to bear, offering a comprehensive suite of consulting services that cater to a diverse range of industries. This empowers businesses to harness the transformative power of AI and achieve groundbreaking results.

Vinova’s expertise and avant garde spirit allows us to catch up with some of the most AI-leaning industries, to facilitate their work process, such as:

Marine Industry

Vinova empowers marine companies to navigate the digital seas with confidence. Our AI consulting services offer clear solutions to optimize your operations:
  • Streamlined Operations & Maintenance: AI analyzes data to optimize vessel performance, fuel consumption, and maintenance schedules. Make data-driven decisions that ensure smooth sailing and maximize profitability.
  • Enhanced Safety & Efficiency: AI-powered solutions like autonomous ships (using data to navigate and make decisions) are reducing human error, a major factor in marine accidents.
  • Automated Port Operations: AI automates tasks like cargo handling, scheduling, and management, increasing efficiency and reducing delays.


Vinova's AI business consulting and solutions empower educators and personalize learning for every student. Here's how:
  • Personalized Learning Paths: AI tailors learning journeys to individual needs, ensuring each student thrives.
  • Enhanced Educator Support: AI automates administrative tasks like grading and scheduling, freeing educators to focus on fostering a dynamic learning environment.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain valuable data-driven insights into student performance, allowing for tailored instruction and improved learning outcomes.
  • 24/7 Support: AI-powered chatbots and virtual tutors provide students with round-the-clock assistance, answering questions and clarifying concepts.
  • Accessibility for All: AI bridges the gap for students with disabilities, using speech recognition for writing challenges or AI-powered hearing aids to enhance classroom participation.

Finance & Insurance Services

Vinova empowers financial institutions and insurance companies to navigate the competitive landscape with confidence. Our AI solutions unlock significant advantages:
  • Sharper Risk Management: AI analyzes vast amounts of data for accurate risk assessment, enhancing insurance underwriting and credit scoring in finance. AI also helps detect fraudulent activity through anomaly detection, minimizing financial losses.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Intelligent chatbots provide 24/7 customer support, while AI personalizes recommendations for financial products or insurance plans, leading to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

Technology Industry

Vinova empowers financial institutions and insurance companies to navigate the competitive landscape with confidence. Our AI solutions unlock significant advantages:
  • Sharper Risk Management: AI analyzes vast amounts of data for accurate risk assessment, enhancing insurance underwriting and credit scoring in finance. AI also helps detect fraudulent activity through anomaly detection, minimizing financial losses.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Intelligent chatbots provide 24/7 customer support, while AI personalizes recommendations for financial products or insurance plans, leading to increased customer satisfaction and sales.
  • Streamlined Operations: AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on high-value activities and boosting overall operational efficiency.


Vinova empowers marketplaces to deliver exceptional customer experiences tailored to individual needs. Here's how:
  • Personalized Engagement: AI analyzes customer behavior to personalize product recommendations, search results, and marketing messages. This fosters deeper customer connections and satisfaction.
  • Optimized Inventory Management: AI predicts demand with precision, using historical sales data and trends. This minimizes storage costs, avoids stockouts, and ensures you have the right products at the right time.
  • Data-Driven Pricing Strategies: Gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior with AI insights. Optimize pricing strategies for maximum profitability while tailoring offerings to individual needs.

Health & Fitness

The health and fitness industry is experiencing a revolution, and Vinova's AI consulting services are leading the charge. We empower individuals to achieve their wellness goals with a suite of innovative AI solutions:
  • Personalized Fitness Plans: No more one-size-fits-all workouts! AI analyzes your fitness level, goals, past performance, and even genetic data (if available) to create customized training plans that cater to your unique needs and maximize results.
  • Real-Time Performance Tracking: Our AI-powered tools excel at tracking your workouts and analyzing data from wearable devices and fitness apps. Gain valuable insights on metrics like heart rate, calorie burn, and workout intensity, allowing you to optimize your training and stay motivated.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: AI analyzes vast amounts of data in real-time, providing valuable insights to inform your health and fitness journey. Make data-driven decisions and gain a competitive edge by tailoring your approach based on personalized metrics.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Fuel your fitness goals with personalized nutrition plans. AI analyzes your dietary preferences, allergies, nutritional needs, and health objectives to create customized diet plans that promote optimal health and performance.

AI & Machine Learning Services

Unleashing the Potential of AI Through Customised Solutions


Needs Analysis and Consultation

Discuss business requirements.
  • Unleash AI’s transformative power for your business: Deep dive into your goals, identify AI opportunities, define project roadmaps for success. Expert AI consulting & analysis, optimize results!
  • Chart your winning AI roadmap: Collaborative needs analysis & consultation. Map AI opportunities, define clear scope & desired outcomes. Empower your business with custom AI strategies.

Custom AI Model Development

Leveraging cutting-edge AI techniques, including machine learning and deep learning.
  • Craft your bespoke AI engine: Cutting-edge machine learning & deep learning expertise. Build custom AI models specific to your data & needs. Accuracy, interpretability, & scalability assured.
  • Unlock hidden insights within your data: Build bespoke AI models, tailored to your unique business challenges. Leverage machine & deep learning for accurate, interpretable results. Gain the power of customized AI.

Custom AI Applications Development

Tailoring applications to your specific industry and business objectives.
  • Automate, innovate, and empower: Custom AI applications built for your industry & objectives. Enhance processes, automate tasks, and gain valuable insights. Drive user engagement & adoption.
  • Build AI solutions that work for you: Tailored AI applications to automate tasks, streamline operations, and drive business value. User-centric experiences for seamless adoption. Unleash the potential of AI. 

Other Services

Other AI & Machine Learning Services

Other AI & Machine Learning Services

AI-Powered Virtual Assistants

Develop virtual assistants with natural language understanding and generation capabilities, making them more versatile and user-friendly.

AI Ethical Consultation

Offer consultation services to guide clients on ethical considerations and responsible use of Generative AI to address potential concerns.

Model Integration and Deployment

Seamless integration of your AI models into existing systems and workflows.
Developing user-friendly interfaces for accessing and interacting with AI solutions.

Customisable AI-Driven Content Creation

Unlock the power of AI-driven content creation with our bespoke service tailored to meet your unique needs. Our Customisable AI-Driven Content Creation service empowers you to turn your creative visions into reality, offering a seamless blend of innovation and personalisation.

Our expertise

AI model we have expertise in
Stable Diffusion
AI Tech Stacks
Local hosting

Why Work With Us

Our clients describe us as a brilliant team which creates amazing product by crafting top-notch user experience.
Work Together

High Quality

Innovative solution for your business needs

One-stop Solution

Support all your business needs


Convenient onshore presence

Time Saving

Resources and experience to expedite your project

Cost Saving

Competitive rates to manage your budget


Innovative solution for your business needs
Help Center

Frequently asked questions.

Can AI help my specific business industry?

Absolutely! We’ve experience across various sectors, tailoring AI solutions for marketing, healthcare, finance, and beyond. Whether it’s predictive analytics, personalised recommendations, or process automation, we’ll identify how AI can empower your unique business goals.

I'm new to AI. Can you help me get started?

Of course! We offer free consultations to discuss your business needs and potential AI applications. We’ll also create a customised roadmap for implementing AI, step-by-step, making the process smooth and accessible.

How can I be sure your AI solutions are secure and reliable?

Security and reliability are our top priorities. We adhere to strict data privacy regulations and employ robust security measures throughout the development and deployment process. Our AI solutions are built to perform accurately, efficiently, and with total transparency.

How much does AI development cost?

No one-size-fits-all answer! The cost depends on your project’s complexity, data size, and resources needed. But worry not, we offer flexible pricing options and transparent cost breakdowns to ensure you get the maximum value for your investment.

What are AI Consulting Services?

AI Consulting Services involve providing expert advice and guidance to businesses on how to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to achieve their goals. These services can include identifying opportunities for AI implementation, developing AI strategies, designing and building AI systems, and providing ongoing support and training. AI consultants can help businesses navigate the complexities of AI technology, ensure successful implementation, and maximize the return on their AI investments.

How much does an AI consultancy cost?

The cost of an AI consultant can vary widely depending on many factors, including the scope and complexity of the project, the consultant’s level of expertise, and the market rates. On average, AI consultants may charge anywhere from $100 to $400 per hour. For larger projects, consultants may charge a flat fee, ranging from a few thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars. It’s important to note that these are just averages and the actual cost can be higher or lower. Always request a detailed proposal and quote before hiring an AI consultant.