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Mobile App Development Trends 2019 Will Shape the App Industry

Mobile App | October 31, 2019

We are just a few days away from the New Year. It is approaching quickly, and it’s hard to believe how quickly 2018 flew by. When it comes to looking at the 2018 mobile app market, it has witnessed just over 27 billion downloads that is a year-over-year growth of approximately 11%.

Not only in 2018 but for the past many years, mobile apps have been changing our lives from booking a cab to ordering food and hiring the best electrician from the nearby area. Mobile apps have revolutionized the way we perform our daily tasks whether it is personal or business.

With the increasing demand and usefulness, mobile apps serve to be a significant opportunity for entrepreneurs, businesses, and startups. According to, mobile applications are supposed to generate approximately $189 Billion US dollars in revenue by 2020 that you can see in the given graph.

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In fact, many experts have said that the mobile app development industry is the fastest growing industry, and it is showing no sign of slowing down in the future as well. Looking at the technological advancements and new inventions in the mobile app industry, it is necessary to give a glimpse into the mobile app development trends of 2019.

These mobile app development trends will bring many new opportunities for entrepreneurs and startup owners. Without discussing more on the mobile app market, let’s check out the upcoming trends that are thoroughly researched and analyzed by our technical head.

1. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning both have studded their legs deeper into the mobile app industry. Talking about AI, it is one such area of computer science, which mainly emphasize the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans.

This technology has mainly made itself obvious in the form of chatbots, whereas Siri, which is the combination of AI and machine learning, has become an important part of the mobile app innovations.

In the upcoming year, the use of both these technologies will not be restricted to Chatbots and Siri. There are many companies like Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are heavily investing in AI technology. In fact, Oracle will be using machine learning to develop app and data integration, analytics and system, and identity management autonomous.

In effect, as per the IDC report, more than 75% of workers, who are using ERP solutions, will now leverage the capabilities of AI to expand the proficiency in the workplace. It means, AI and machine learning are not going to revolutionize mobile apps industry, but these technologies have significant opportunities for innovation in the future, too.

2. Blockchain Technology

For the past one or two years, the word, Blockchain, has created a buzz in the market. This advanced technology allows businesses to create tamper-proof records across multiple computers and gives the ability to track transactions with greater confidence and security.

In fact, Blockchain technology is set to enter a new era in 2019. And there are many industry experts like Nick Cowan, a CEO of the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange, and Luka Horvat, a blockchain engineer, who are expecting the technology will be more widely adopted by companies, financial organizations, and charities.

All those enterprises and companies that require trustless transactions and secure record keeping will highly adopt this key technology in the upcoming year. Unlike other traditional businesses, the banking and finance industries are not looking forward to introducing radical transformation to their processes for adopting Blockchain technology.

As it was successfully used for the cryptocurrency, there are even many financial institutions that have begun considering Blockchain technology adoption for traditional banking operations. According to the latest PWC report, 77% of financial institutions are expected to adopt Blockchain as part of an in-production system or process by 2020. Whether you are running a small business or a big enterprise, you can adopt this technology to revolutionize your business and grow it exponentially.

3. On-demand Apps

The most successful and attention-grabbing economy is an on-demand economy that is also known as the shared economy. The on-demand economy fulfills the demand of consumers on an immediate basis, allowing quick access to goods and services.

Initially, when the on-demand business model was introduced in the market, it was an inevitable bubble in the world of mobile applications. Today, on-demand-based mobile apps are the future of the mobile app industry.

Irrespective of the type, category, and size of business or startup, almost all the entrepreneurs have embraced on-demand based solution to take their business to the next level. Till date, more than 45 million Americans or we can say 22% of the adult population has offered services in the on-demand economy. According to the same survey, 86.5 million Americans that means 42% of the adult population have used at least one on-demand economy service.

Looking at the report, we can say this technology will not fade away anytime soon. The on-demand apps development is here to stay, allowing startups and enterprises to develop an on-demand solution to provide quick access to services and goods.

4. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is one such emerging technology that is revolutionizing the way people are buying products today. According to Digi-Capital report, the Augmented Reality is expected to make $150 billion in revenue by 2020, giving a potential market to professional app developers and enterprises to explore and grow.

Various tech goliaths are already innovating new use cases for Augmented Reality. In fact, Google and Apple both the companies are released new AR demos on their latest devices that simply means AR will be the game changer in the upcoming year.

Apart from this, you can notice that social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram have already used this technology in order to launch AR filters, allowing users to turn a human face into various digital funny characters.

So, whether you are from the retail industry or want to develop a social networking app, Augmented Reality is here to stay to give a seamless experience to users.

On a Concluding Note

You have just gone through with the mobile app development trends of 2019 that will shape the future of mobile app industry. Through these trends, you as an entrepreneur and startup owner can get an idea about the latest technologies to adopt for your mobile app development.

By developing your own mobile app considering the latest trends, you can meet your customers’ ever-changing demands and market competition. So, if you have ever thought to develop mobile app for your business, you can discuss it with our sales representative, who will suggest the right solution.

In fact, you can book 30-minute free consultation with our expert and discuss your queries and ask any question related to mobile app development. Our expert will answer all your queries.