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JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp in Barcelona Code School – learn React, React Native, Node, Express, MongoDB

Mobile App | December 22, 2020

JavaScript Full-Stack in-person Bootcamp in Barcelona Code School

Become a developer and find a job, start freelancing or building your own apps!


With restrictions being eased we can get back to in-person format for the bootcamps with all the safety measures implemented at school. The registration is open for all the available dates from the calendar. In case for some reasons or if situation changes you will not be able attend the selected cohort we will find a solution to move you to another starting date at your convinience.

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What you’ll learn

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, MongoDB, React.js, React Native, Git, UX basics
  • How to build fast, modern, dynamic and responsive web apps
  • Server-side rendering to make you React apps SEO friendly
  • Building native mobile apps with React Native
  • Deployment of your apps for web and mobile
  • Best web development practices
  • Programming with JavaScript for front-end, back-end and mobile
  • React library, used by Facebook and Instagram
  • The only school that teaches back-end, front-end and native mobile apps development.
  • Using MongoDB
  • Using external APIs
  • Version control with Git and GitHub
  • Team and pair programming, programming logic, algorithmic approach

The outcomes

  • Get hired as a developer. 100% of our bootcamp graduates who finished the bootcamps successfully and were looking for a job got hired in first 1-3 months after the course. Become qualified for a junior developer position and land a job with one of our hiring partners.
  • Start freelancing. Get the practical skills you need to start working remotely in the in-demand field of web/mobile development. A solid portfolio with your own completed apps and our personalised guidance on preparing for a new career.
  • Build your own apps. Got a great idea but not quite sure how to build it? Tackle the development yourself and acquire lifelong skills in the process. Once your project takes off, you will also be able to hire, test, and manage other coders.

Students stories

Christine Chang

Junior Developer at Green Power Monitor, Barcelona

“I wish I had done code camp 5 years ago. I would have been working all these years making up the tuition cost in a month or two. I chose Barcelona Code School because they had a focus on React and React Native.”

Brianna Fritsch

Website Manager at IESE, Barcelona

“The instructors continued to motivate me and remind me that I would get it if I kept practicing. They encouraged me to keep going because if it was that easy to become a developer then everyone would be doing it. They really helped me to keep going even my moments of frustration and defeat.”

Ting Liu

Junior developer at Metro AG, Berlin

“I made an extra studying plan, I spent 1-2 hours a day at home reading some programming-related articles to help myself understand better my code.”

Front-end developer at Raet, Madrid

“If you put a 100% percent of yourself, you get the same in return and can start looking for your new job as a developer. It took me a bit more than one month to find a job, it is incredible. To those who have never had experience of intensive training, bootcamps can seem to be some kind of wizard schools”.

10% paid upon registration, the remaining is split in two payments due before course begins.

Students over 40: because we know it’s harder to commit to learning at a certain age and we are willing to help.

Single parents: because it’s a tough job to raise kids alone, keep it up. We are here to support you!

Women in tech: so far 42% of our graduates are women and we want to reach the equality!

How to apply for a scholarship:

After signing up online you will get a student’s form to fill out where you can select the applicable scholarship. Your final tuition quote would be calculated based on that and you will get links for making the remaining payments.

Student loans with 0-6,5% interest rate and duration from 10 months to 8 years. Please ask your closest Sabadell branch for more info. You will need a proforma from us with the dates and cost of the course. Please contact us to request this proforma.

Edie Windsor Coding Scholarship

The scholarship, named for Edie Windsor a programming pioneer at IBM and LGBTQ activist, helps LGBTQ women kickstart a new career in technology. Learn more and apply here. Please get in touch with us if you’ve got approved for the scholarship.

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp

9-week course, in-person, in English, full-time.

Registration prepayment 580€.

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

October 19 – December 18

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp

9-week course, in-person, in English, full-time.

Registration prepayment 580€.

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

November 09 – January 22

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp

9-week course, in-person, in English, full-time.

Includes a break December 18 –– January 4

Registration prepayment 580€.

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp

9-week course, in-person, in English, full-time.

Registration prepayment 580€.

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

February 15 – April 16

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp

9-week course, in-person, in English, full-time.

Registration prepayment 580€.

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

March 15 – May 14

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp

9-week course, in-person, in English, full-time.

Registration prepayment 580€.

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

April 19 – June 18

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp

9-week course, in-person, in English, full-time.

Registration prepayment 580€.

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

May 17 – July 16

JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp

9-week course, in-person, in English, full-time.

Registration prepayment 580€.

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

Wondering about day-to-day workflow?

Code review, Q&A, warm-up: Ask questions, solve coding challenges, prepare for the day.

Lecture introducing a new topic: A lecture from the BCS instructor with live coding sessions and interaction with students to keep you engaged.

Exercises/projects, practicing a new concept.

Coding, practicing, workshops: exercises, projects, pair programming. Code your way through the day’s assignment and work on your course project. Your instructors will be there to assist and guide you.

One to one sessions with your instructor.

Various coding-related and UX workshops and talks we host to learn and connect with the community. You can join as a participant, speaker or even a mentor!

Why JavaScript?

  • By learning one language you can build apps for web and mobile! Yes, same language!
  • You can use it both for back-end (server) and front-end (browser), hence isomorphic!
  • Asynchronous! Process multiple requests simultaneously!
  • JavaScript is the most popular language in the world because you can do anything with it!

Why Barcelona Code School?

  • Cutting edge curriculum tailored to job market and companies’ needs
  • Best students/mentors ratio
  • Instructors, who know how to teach
  • Job offers for the students constantly coming from tech companies
  • Fast track from beginner to job-ready coder
  • Life-time career support
  • Real hiring partners
  • Premium location – new cozy office with a terrace in the downtown of Barcelona away from the touristic crowds
What computer would I need?

Any operating system will do, Mac, Windows or Linux. If you are thinking about buying a new one then the best choice would be an Apple laptop: Macbook, Macbook Air or Macbook Pro. On Windows laptop everything is doable as well, simply some things work slower on Windows but it’s not going to prevent you from succeeding!

What is the language of this course?


Do I have to speak Spanish?

For the course you do not need Spanish. Everybody at our school speak English. To feel comfortable in Barcelona Spanish would help but nowadays in most of the places local people do speak English.

What qualification I will get from this course?

If completed successfully you will become a junior full-stack developer. Meaning you will know how to build web apps and be able to apply for the entry developer’s position.

Are there any accommodation options for the foreign students?

Make sure to check Beroomers, Uniplaces (use BARCELONACODE10 promo code to get 10% discount), Spotahome and Barcelona home.

We can also help you with a personalized search. As a rule of thumb the closer to our school the better the area is. Just send us couple of links of the properties you’ve chosen if you need our advice on that.

What about cost of living in Barcelona, how much will I spend apart from the course tuition?

Barcelona, compared with other metropolitan European cities, is quite affordable or even cheap place to live. According to the latest survey, the average cost of living for students in Barcelona is around 1000 Euros per month.

Expect to spend 300-600€ to rent a room or 600-1000€ for the apartment, around 10€ for a lunch in a restaurant, 10€ for a public transport 10-ride pass.

How good would a typical graduate be after completing the course?

You will learn the skills to begin as a junior full-stack developer, will know how to build fully functional web apps and have a solid foundation to improve your expertise.

Is there a pre-course?

Yes. We send you materials to study to come prepared! We estimate it to take around 40 hours if you start from absolutely 0 level of knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

How does your price compare to other schools?

It’s safe to say that our price is within lower competitive range. We strive to provide the personalized approach thanks to smaller group size and attract highly qualified instructors motivated to share their expertise with students. You will love it, we guarantee!

Inquiry about the course

If you are not a robot, how much would be 7 plus 6?

Any operating system will do, Mac, Windows or Linux. If you are thinking about buying a new one then the best choice would be an Apple laptop: Macbook, Macbook Air or Macbook Pro. On Windows laptop everything is doable as well, simply some things work slower on Windows but it’s not going to prevent you from succeeding!


For the course you do not need Spanish. Everybody at our school speak English. To feel comfortable in Barcelona Spanish would help but nowadays in most of the places local people do speak English.

If completed successfully you will become a junior full-stack developer. Meaning you will know how to build web apps and be able to apply for the entry developer’s position.

Make sure to check Beroomers, Uniplaces (use BARCELONACODE10 promo code to get 10% discount), Spotahome and Barcelona home.

We can also help you with a personalized search. As a rule of thumb the closer to our school the better the area is. Just send us couple of links of the properties you’ve chosen if you need our advice on that.

Barcelona, compared with other metropolitan European cities, is quite affordable or even cheap place to live. According to the latest survey, the average cost of living for students in Barcelona is around 1000 Euros per month.

Expect to spend 300-600€ to rent a room or 600-1000€ for the apartment, around 10€ for a lunch in a restaurant, 10€ for a public transport 10-ride pass.

You will learn the skills to begin as a junior full-stack developer, will know how to build fully functional web apps and have a solid foundation to improve your expertise.

Yes. We send you materials to study to come prepared! We estimate it to take around 40 hours if you start from absolutely 0 level of knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

It’s safe to say that our price is within lower competitive range. We strive to provide the personalized approach thanks to smaller group size and attract highly qualified instructors motivated to share their expertise with students. You will love it, we guarantee!

Inquiry about the course

This content was originally published here.