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Top 15 Best Accessibility Testing Tools of 2024 

Web Design & Development | October 15, 2024

Accessibility is more than just a nice-to-have; it’s essential for business success. A U.K. survey revealed that 55% of consumers abandon purchases due to accessibility issues, significantly losing sales. By prioritizing accessibility, you can tap into new markets and build a strong brand reputation. 

Join us as we explore the top accessibility testing tools, demystify acronyms like WCAG, and celebrate success stories. Let’s make the web a more inclusive place for everyone! 

What are Web Accessibility Testing Tools? 

What are accessibility testing tools? In website development, web accessibility testing tools are software applications that help you find problems in websites or apps that might make it hard for people with disabilities to use them. 

What do they do? 

  • Automated Scans: They automatically check your website or app for accessibility issues. 
  • Manual Testing Support: Some tools guide manual testing to find more problems. 
  • Detailed Reports: They give you clear information about the problems they find and suggestions on how to fix them. 
  • Integration with Development Workflows: Many tools work seamlessly with your existing development tools. 
  • Educational Resources: Some tools offer tutorials and tips to help you understand accessibility better. 

Why is Accessibility Testing Important? 

Accessibility testing tools are essential for the following: 

  • Legal Compliance: Ensure compliance with laws like the ADA and EAA, mandating accessible digital content. 
  • Inclusivity: Create webs that are integrated into apps that are usable to people with diverse disabilities. 
  • Enhanced User Experience: Provide a better experience for all users, regardless of abilities. 
  • Business Success: Avoid lost customers, missed opportunities, and damage to your brand’s reputation. Prioritizing accessibility can attract a wider audience and improve customer loyalty. 

Top 15 Accessibility Testing Tools You Should Know in 2024 

Accessibility Testing Tools

1. Axe:  

Axe is an open-source accessibility testing tool. Among the accessibility testing tools, it’s designed to analyze web pages directly from the Chrome browser, identifying and reporting accessibility defects. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: Quickly scans web pages for accessibility issues. 
  • Integration: Seamlessly integrates with popular development tools like Chrome DevTools and Jenkins. 
  • Code Insights: Provides recommendations for fixing identified accessibility problems in website development. 
Pros: Cons: 
Free and Open-Source: Accessible to all without any licensing costs.
Ease of Use: User-friendly interface for developers and testers of all levels. 
Detailed Reports: Generates comprehensive reports on accessibility issues. 
Limited Scope: Focuses primarily on specific accessibility issues; may not catch all potential problems. 
Manual Verification Required: Some color contrast issues may still require manual testing. 
Report Complexity: Beginners might find the detailed reports overwhelming.  

Why Choose Axe: 

Axe is the top choice among open-source accounts for web developers and testers who want to make their websites more accessible. It’s free, easy to use, and provides valuable insights into potential accessibility issues. 

2. WAVE:  

WAVE is a powerful tool designed to help web content authors create more accessible content. It identifies various accessibility and WCAG errors while seamlessly integrating into your web browser. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: WAVE runs 1300 rules to find accessibility issues related to markup and content. 
  • Customizable Guidelines: Choose from regulated standards or edit your own set of guidelines. 
  • Comprehensive Reports: Get insights into accessibility problems and recommendations for improvements. 
Pros: Cons: 
Browser Extensions: Convenient in-browser testing. 
Transparent Pricing: WAVE is free to use. 
Community-Tested: Developed in collaboration with differently-abled individuals. 
Learning Curve: Some familiarity with web accessibility guidelines may be needed. 
Not Perfect: No automated tool guarantees full WCAG conformance. 

Why Choose WAVE?

What makes it stand out among accessibility testing tools is that it makes accessibility testing a breeze. It catches errors early and ensures your content is inclusive, all in one place. There is no need for separate tools! 

3. Pa11y

Pa11y is a suite of free and open-source tools to help developers and designers improve web page accessibility. It offers various components to suit different needs and workflows. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: Pa11y checks web pages for accessibility issues based on WAI-ARIA, WCAG 2.0, and Section 508 standards. 
  • CI/CD Integration: Easily incorporate Pa11y into your continuous integration and delivery pipelines.
  • Concurrent Testing: Test multiple URLs simultaneously to streamline your testing process. 

Why Choose Pa11y: 

Pa11y is a free tool that helps you make your websites accessible to everyone. It’s easy to use and customizable to track your progress and collaborate with your team. 

Pros: Cons: 
Focused Purpose: Pa11y’s dedicated focus on accessibility simplifies testing and ensures accurate results. 
Integration: Seamlessly integrates into your development workflow for efficient testing. 
Community Support: Benefits from an active community and ongoing development. 
Limited: This may not cover all potential accessibility issues, requiring manual testing. 
Learning Curve: Just like testing tools, some familiarity with command-line tools may be needed for specific components. 

4. Deque Axe DevTools:  


Among the market’s accessibility testing tools for websites, Deque Axe DevTools stands out as a powerful browser extension built on the popular axe-core accessibility testing library. It’s designed for developers and testers to identify and address accessibility issues during development. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: Performs automated scans to identify accessibility issues directly within your browser. 
  • Intelligent Guided Testing: Provides guidance and recommendations for critical accessibility issues. 
  • Linting: Offers static code analysis to catch accessibility bugs early in development. 
  • CI/CD Integrations: Seamlessly integrates with your continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines. 
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI): Provides advanced usage options for automation and customization. 

Why Choose Deque Axe DevTools: 

Save time and resources by catching accessibility errors early in development. With Deque Axe DevTools, you can ensure your website meets accessibility standards and stay informed about its compliance status. 

Pros: Cons: 
Transparent Pricing: Deque is trusted by large organizations, offering transparent pricing and support options. 
High-Quality Support: Access to comprehensive support resources and documentation. 
Free Tier and Trial: Explore Axe DevTools without financial commitment. 
Command-Line Interface CLI: It may be less intuitive for those unfamiliar with CLI. 
Inconsistent Suggestions: Some suggestions for fixing accessibility issues might not be immediately apparent. 

5. Lighthouse:  

Lighthouse is an open-source automated tool designed to improve the quality of web pages. It audits web URLs, assessing aspects like performance, accessibility, progressive web apps (PWAs), SEO, and adherence to best practices. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: Lighthouse runs a series of audits, including accessibility checks. 
  • WCAG Adherence: It checks for common accessibility issues, ensuring compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). 
  • Scoring: Provides a score between 0 and 100, indicating your website’s accessibility level. 
  • Comprehensive Reports: Offers detailed feedback on strengths and areas for improvement. 

Why Choose Lighthouse: 

Lighthouse makes accessibility testing easy and provides actionable insights. It’s free and constantly improving, thanks to a community of developers. 

Pros: Cons: 
Free to Use: Lighthouse is accessible to everyone. 
Integrated with DevTools: Conveniently assess accessibility during development. 
Community Support: Benefit from regular updates and improvements. 
Not Perfect: While accurate, Lighthouse may not catch all accessibility issues. 
Manual Testing Supplement: Combine Lighthouse with manual testing for a comprehensive assessment. 

6. AccessiBe 

AccessiBe is a leading web accessibility solution trusted by over 247,000 brands worldwide. Their vision is to create a digital world accessible to everyone, regardless of disability. 

Key Features: 

  • accessWidget: A user-friendly interface allowing visitors to adjust UI and design elements to meet their needs. 
  • AI-Powered Optimization: The background application uses AI to optimize screen-reader and keyboard navigation for improved accessibility. 

Why Choose AccessiBe 

Make your website accessible to everyone by choosing AccessiBe when considering it against other accessibility testing tools. It’s affordable, helps you comply with global standards, and can be set up quickly within 48 hours. 

Pros: Cons: 
Trusted by Leading Brands: Renowned brands like Seiko, Dolce & Gabbana, Six Flags, and British Airways rely on AccessiBe 
AI-Powered: Combines automation and manual adjustments for comprehensive accessibility. 
Commitment to the Cause: AccessiBe recently raised $58 million to support the disability community. 
Media and File Auditing: Some features, such as media and file auditing, may require additional payment. 

7. SortSite:  

SortSite is a cloud-based automated testing tool that helps ensure your website functions optimally across various devices and adheres to accessibility standards. It conducts a comprehensive analysis, checking for issues like broken links, spelling errors, browser compatibility, SEO shortcomings, web standard violations, and WCAG compliance. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: SortSite efficiently analyzes your website with over 1300 automated checks, identifying potential problems related to accessibility and other crucial areas. 
  • Comprehensive Analysis: It goes beyond accessibility, and uncovers broken links, browser compatibility issues, SEO weaknesses, and usability concerns. 
  • Evidence-Based Approach: SortSite minimizes false positives by relying on well-established testing methodologies and data. 

Why Choose SortSite: 

SortSite automates most accessibility checks, saving you time. Plus, it catches problems before they affect users, keeping everyone happy. It’s a simple solution for both accessibility and usability testing. 

Pros: Cons: 
Cost-Effective: Offers a powerful solution at a fraction of the cost required for manual testing. 
Trusted Results: Used by well-known brands, demonstrating its effectiveness. 
Fast Implementation: Helps achieve ADA and WCAG compliance in a short timeframe. 
Limited Scope: While automated testing is valuable, manual testing may still be necessary for a complete assessment. 
Learning Curve: SortSite’s focus on automation might miss some nuanced accessibility issues. New users might find the tool a bit complex at first. 

8. AChecker:  

AChecker is a free web accessibility evaluation tool designed for web and application developers. It helps developers ensure their web content and PDFs are accessible to all users, regardless of abilities or disabilities. AChecker combines automated testing with the flexibility for manual adjustments, allowing for comprehensive accessibility compliance. It specifically tests against WCAG 2.0 guidelines. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: AChecker efficiently analyzes web pages using over 1300 rules to identify accessibility concerns related to markup and content. 
  • Customizable Guidelines: Users can choose from pre-defined accessibility standards like WCAG 2.0 or create their own custom sets for specific checking needs. 
  • Multiple Testing Options: You can check accessibility by web page URL, uploading HTML files, or pasting HTML markup directly into the tool. 

Why Choose AChecker: 

AChecker is a free tool that helps you quickly find and fix accessibility problems on your website. It’s easy to use and saves you time, compared to many other accessibility testing tools. 

Pros: Cons: 
Free and Accessible: No licensing costs involved, making it accessible to everyone. 
Customization Options: Tailors testing to specific needs through pre-defined standards or custom sets. 
Flexible Testing Methods: Offers various ways to analyze web content for accessibility. 
Limited Scope: While automated testing is valuable, manual testing may still be necessary for a complete assessment. 
Learning Curve: Some familiarity with web standards and accessibility guidelines may help interpret results. 

9. Siteimprove  

Siteimprove is a Software as a Service (SaaS) company offering a comprehensive suite of tools designed to elevate your website’s performance, accessibility, and overall digital presence. Their cloud-based platform helps businesses enhance the quality, accessibility, and effectiveness of their websites. Siteimprove goes beyond just accessibility testing by providing valuable insights into user interaction and behavior patterns, enabling businesses to optimize the user experience. 

Key Features: 

  • Accessibility: Siteimprove identifies and remediates accessibility issues commonly encountered by users with disabilities, including missing alt text for images, unnavigable links, and color contrast problems. 
  • Content Quality: Analyzes and improves the readability and user engagement of website content by suggesting changes to text, images, and layout. 
  • Analytics: Provides detailed insights into website traffic, visitor behavior, and engagement metrics. 
  • SEO: Optimizes website search engine optimization (SEO) by pinpointing technical SEO issues and offering content recommendations to improve search ranking. 

Why Choose Siteimprove: 

Don’t get bogged down in testing! Siteimprove automates the process, finding accessibility problems before they cause issues. This frees you up to focus on the finer details and ensures a smooth experience for all users. 

Pros: Cons: 
Trusted by Leading Brands: Used by reputable companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, demonstrating its effectiveness. 
AI-Powered Insights: Combines automated testing with the ability to make manual adjustments to address specific needs, making it comprehensive. 
Commitment to Accessibility: Siteimprove boasts over 20 years of experience in assisting businesses with website accessibility. 
Complex Usability: Some users may find the platform a bit complex due to its many features. However, this complexity reflects its robustness and capabilities. 
Compatibility: Ensure your website is compatible with Siteimprove before implementing it. Check compatibility with popular browsers like Edge and Safari. 
Pricing: While it offers robust features, the cost may be a consideration for some teams.  

10. AccessLint: 

AccessLint is a GitHub app designed to streamline accessibility testing in your development process. It automatically reviews pull requests for accessibility issues, providing targeted feedback before your code goes live. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: AccessLint scans your code changes for accessibility problems, identifying potential issues early in the development cycle. 
  • GitHub Integration: Seamlessly integrates with your GitHub repositories for a streamlined workflow.
  • Targeted Feedback: Receives specific comments on accessibility issues related to your pull requests, providing actionable insights. 

Why Choose AccessLint: 

AccessLint helps you make your websites accessible to everyone, among the available accessibility testing tools. It finds problems early and saves you time. Use it with manual testing for best results. 

Pros: Cons: 
GitHub Integration: Conveniently assess accessibility within your familiar GitHub workflow. 
Automated Feedback: Receive timely insights without manual effort. 
Early Issue Detection: Identify and address accessibility problems before they impact users. 
Limited Scope: While automated testing is valuable, manual testing is still essential. 

11. Equally.AI  

In the market of accessibility testing tools for websites, Equally.AI is a comprehensive website accessibility solution developed in collaboration with individuals with disabilities. This ensures the tool is designed to meet their specific needs and effectively address accessibility challenges. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Accessibility: Easily integrate Equally.AI into your website with a single line of code, allowing for continuous accessibility monitoring. 
  • Intelligence Augmentation: Track compliance data effortlessly to stay informed about your website’s accessibility status. 
  • Customizable Accessibility Assistant: Users can personalize their experience based on their individual needs and preferences. 
  • Inclusive Design: Equally.AI caters to various disabilities, including visual, auditory, speech, cognitive, and physical impairments. 

Why Choose Equally.AI  

Equally, Equally.AI is a user-friendly and affordable tool that helps make your website accessible to everyone. It’s a great way to improve your website’s user experience and ensure it’s inclusive for all. 

Pros: Cons: 
Community-Tested: Developed with input from individuals with disabilities, ensuring it meets real-world needs. 
Quick Implementation: Achieve compliance within 48 hours, streamlining the process. 
Customization: Tailor the accessibility assistant to individual user preferences. 
Limited Customer Support: While the tool is user-friendly, customer support might require improvement. 

Complexity: Some features may be data-heavy or complex for non-technical users. 

12. Cypress-axe:  

Cypress-axe is a seamless integration of the popular accessibility testing library axe-core into your Cypress tests. This powerful combination allows you to efficiently catch accessibility issues during your end-to-end testing process, ensuring your web application meets accessibility standards. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated Testing: Cypress-axe runs axe-core checks as part of your Cypress test suite, providing automated accessibility testing. 
  • In-Browser Testing: Evaluate accessibility directly within the browser during your Cypress test runs for a realistic assessment. 
  • Quick Feedback: Receive immediate feedback on accessibility issues alongside other test results, streamlining the development process. 

Why Choose Cypress-axe: 

The main selling point for Cypress-axe, compared to many accessibility testing tools, is that it makes accessibility testing a breeze. It helps you find problems early, so you can fix them before they affect users. Use it with manual testing for a complete picture of your website’s accessibility. 

Pros: Cons 
Seamless Integration: Works seamlessly within your existing Cypress workflow, requiring no additional setup. 
Immediate Feedback: Receive actionable insights during your test runs, allowing for timely corrections. 
Community Support: Benefit from the active Cypress and axe-core communities for guidance and support. 
Potential false positives: Cypress-axe users have been reporting on potential false positives. 

13. ARC Toolkit:  

ARC Toolkit is a suite of accessibility testing tools developed by TPGi that is designed to help you quickly identify and resolve accessibility issues on your web pages. As a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox, ARC Toolkit provides on-demand testing, allowing you to evaluate accessibility whenever needed. 

Key Features: 

  • On-Demand Page-Level Testing: Test accessibility directly within your browser without scheduling. 
  • Intuitive Interface: Get started in minutes with ARC Toolkit’s user-friendly design. 
  • Remediation Techniques: Receive actionable code-level advice to fix WCAG errors and alerts. 
  • Consistent Testing: Benefit from the same rules engine used by ARC Monitoring for reliable results. 

Why Choose ARC Toolkit: 

ARC Toolkit is a free tool that helps you quickly find and fix accessibility problems on your website. It works seamlessly with other ARC tools, giving you a complete solution for accessibility testing. 

Pros: Cons: 
Trusted by Leading Brands: ARC Toolkit is used by industry giants like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon.
Immediate Feedback: Receive actionable insights during your testing process. 
Part of the ARC Platform: Benefit from a comprehensive accessibility ecosystem. 
Limited Scope: While automated testing is valuable, manual testing may still be necessary for a thorough assessment. 
Learning Curve: Some familiarity with web accessibility guidelines may be required to interpret results effectively. 

14. Testim 

Testim is an automated testing platform designed to help teams create and maintain tests for web applications efficiently. It leverages machine learning to enhance the testing process, allowing for quicker test creation, execution, and maintenance.

Key Features: 

  • Automated Test Creation: Create tests quickly using a point-and-click interface, which can be enhanced with code as needed.
  • Smart Locators: Testim uses AI-driven locators that adapt to changes in the UI, reducing the need for frequent updates to tests.
  • Visual Testing: Provides visual snapshots of the application’s UI to easily identify differences between expected and actual results.
  • Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly integrates with CI/CD tools and other testing frameworks, enhancing workflow efficiency. 

Why Choose Testim: 

  • Efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on more complex testing scenarios.
  • Collaboration: Facilitates collaboration among team members with shared test cases and results.
  • Scalability: Suitable for projects of any size, from small applications to large enterprise solutions.
Pros: Cons: 
Trusted by Leading Brands: Used by companies like Microsoft and IBM.
Immediate Feedback: Receive actionable insights during your testing process. 
Part of a Comprehensive Ecosystem: Integrates well with various tools.
Cost: May be considered expensive for smaller teams or startups.
Limited Manual Testing Features: Primarily focused on automated testing.

15. Tenon: 

Tenon is a cloud-based service designed to help organizations improve the accessibility of their digital content. It combines automated scanning with human expertise to identify and remediate accessibility issues. 

Key Features: 

  • Automated and Manual Testing: Tenon covers a wide range of accessibility issues, from common automated checks to more nuanced manual evaluations. 
  • Detailed Reports: Tenon provides comprehensive reports highlighting accessibility criteria that your website fails to meet. 
  • Rapid Remediation: Tenon offers a service to fix accessibility issues on your website while testing is ongoing. 
  • Developer Training: Tenon provides training to development teams on writing accessible code and defines KPIs and processes for becoming a truly accessible organization. 

Why Choose Tenon: 

Tenon offers a comprehensive approach to accessibility testing, combining automation with human expertise. It’s transparent about pricing and offers a free trial, so you can try it before you buy it. 

Pros: Cons: 
Transparent Pricing: More straightforward pricing compared to some other options. 
High-Quality Support: Access to comprehensive support videos covering various topics. 
Free Tier and Trial: Explore Tenon’s features without financial commitment. 
Speed: Tenon’s approach of using a browser for testing can be slower compared to some other automated tools. 
Minimal Support: Some users have reported that Tenon’s customer support is minimal. 
Publicly Available Site Requirement: Tenon requires public access to your website. If your site is behind a firewall or not accessible externally, Tenon won’t be able to effectively test it. 

Criteria for Choosing the Best Web Accessibility Testing Tools 

best accessibility testing tools

With the many options for accessibility testing tools available, how should you pick the right one for your website? When selecting an accessibility testing tool, consider the following factors: 

  • 1. Does it cover all the bases? Make sure the tool checks for a wide range of accessibility issues, from keyboard navigation to color contrast. 
  • 2. Does it play nicely with your other tools? Look for a tool that integrates seamlessly with your development workflow. 
  • 3. Can you trust its results? Accuracy is crucial. Consider the tool’s track record and whether it aligns with recognized accessibility standards. 
  • 4. How much will it cost? There are plenty of free and open-source options available, but if you need more features, you might be willing to pay a bit more. 

Key Metrics Used in Accessibility Testing 

In the matrix of many, many metrics when assessing your website, pay attention to these three key metrics, no matter what accessibility testing tools you are using: 

1. WCAG: The Foundation 

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the gold standard for accessible websites. They cover things like how easy it is to see and understand content, how well it works with assistive technologies, and how robust it is. 

Three Levels of Accessibility: 

  • Level A: Basic requirements for accessibility. 
  • Level AA: More advanced requirements. 
  • Level AAA: The highest level of accessibility. 

2. Screen Reader Compatibility: 

Make sure your website can be used by people who rely on screen readers. Use clear headings, alt text for images, and proper structure. 

3. Keyboard Navigation: 

Test if users can navigate your website using just their keyboard. All buttons, forms, and interactive elements should be accessible with the keyboard. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What tool is used for accessibility testing? 

There are many tools available for accessibility testing, both automated and manual. Some popular options include: 

  • Axe: A free and open-source tool that integrates with popular browsers and development tools.
  • WAVE: A comprehensive suite of evaluation tools that provides real-time feedback on accessibility issues. 
  • Pa11y: A command-line tool that can be integrated into your continuous integration pipeline. 
  • Deque Axe DevTools: A browser extension that identifies accessibility issues during development. 

How can I test my website for accessibility? 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your website is accessible: 

  1. Validate Your HTML: Ensure your HTML code is valid and free of errors. 
  1. Validate for Accessibility: Use automated tools like WAVE or Axe to check for accessibility issues. 
  1. Test Keyboard Accessibility: Navigate your website using only the keyboard to ensure all elements are accessible. 
  1. Test with a Screen Reader: Use a screen reader to evaluate how your website is experienced by users with visual impairments. 
  1. Check for WCAG Compliance: Ensure your website meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards. 
  1. Conduct User Testing: Involve users with disabilities to get real-world feedback on accessibility. 
  1. Repeat the Process: Regularly test your website to identify and address any emerging accessibility issues. 

What is a web accessibility evaluation tool? 

Web accessibility evaluation tools are software programs or online services that help you check if your website is easy for everyone to use. This page lists some of these tools. To choose the right one for you, read our guide on selecting web accessibility evaluation tools.